FriYAY wrote on Nov 11
th, 2012 at 9:16am:
into the forest, where he is again popped in the scone with a .22 slug....squwaaaaark squwaaaaarr arrrrr....
*meanwhile, 24 hours earlier, magpie's chief of security calls an urgent meeting.
"Sir, we have intelligence that indicates that an assassin will make an attempt on your life."
"It would have to be troll-Friyay.."
"Yes sir".
"You have a cunning plan?"
"We do".*
fast forward to :
"into the forest, where he is again popped in the scone with a .22 slug....squwaaaaark squwaaaaarr arrrrr..."
*The magpie-clone drops (which cloning technology the said lord of all magpies acquired during his bardo experience) and wakes to find itself on a hospital bed. In 'Kill Bill' overtones, Friyay is accepting money from Verge for the evil deed about to unfold.
"Are you sure he is under seven?", asks Verge.
"Money back guarantee..", responds FriYay, adding, "For an extra five, I'll put on some 'Kill Bill' music"..
Verge hands over the extra five, and Friyay turns on the music.
Verge drops his tweeds, drooling, BUT.. at that very moment..*
*The magpie-ninjas wipe the blood of the infidels from their swords. The clone is whisked away to a safehouse to be used again at another time. good again triumphs over evil. *
let this be a lesson to all trolls.
*in the distance, in the fading light, the parachutes drop to the ground. dim figures wrap, fold and bury the chutes and disappear into the forest.*