*the buzz in the media room is like a swarm of locusts, with trolls nervously wiping the sweat from their pallid faces, as magpie walks in, steps up to the lectern, and shuffles the briefing notes..*
we've got a lot to get thru today, so I'll take any questions after the briefing..
friyay's bardo trip is going well. we've had contact but because of the static, not a lot of what he said made sense..
*static.. static.. absolutely sh it ting myself.. static.. help! more static*
he sends his regards and hopes to be back soon.
we will attempt a live hook up later in the week if we can establish a connection.
now, a post was made yesterday in "Any God @ All" in response to a Frances comment:
Quote:Frances wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 1:54pm:
Allowing evil to occur would be good if there were some good that was greater than the evil but which could only come into existence if the evil were to be addressed in some way.
If allowing evil to occur results in a greater good, then allowing the evil would not make God malevolent.
Quote:my response was:
k, so in the xtian fantasy, god created the devil. general consensus would be that the devil is evil.
what greater good could there be in creating the devil?
Frances would have had time to respond , but has chosen not to do so. As a result I am issuing a *You got served* notice. Which means *cough* that there will be a (virtual) troll execution of the said person, LIVE and exclusively on this thread at a date and time to be fixed.
the trial will be held a week later.
popcorn and soft drink will be available at the usual prices, and NO byo please.
next, a committee to discuss matters of the victorious alliance, namely the flag, anthem, uniforms and the holiday, has been convened and I will discuss the outcomes at a later briefing.
any questions?
you in the corner, shitferbrains..
"If Frances petitions the Leader, will she be spared? If posters on the forum log support or otherwise, and there is more support than not, will Frances receive a pardon?"
all options will be considered..
*magpie walks out of the press room says to aid, "arrest shitferbrains.."*