Big Dave wrote on Oct 1
st, 2012 at 8:41am:
Your atttitude has me perplexed. Especially from an Australianܙ
It might surprise you, but not all Australians are slavish Yankee wannabes.
Big Dave wrote on Oct 1
st, 2012 at 8:41am:
You wrote- But when they behave in such a despicably disgusting way, wouldn't any culture find this abhorrent??
Having a communal shower in a workplace situation isn't abhorrent.
Maybe not to you, to me it is, and I think to any other civilised person.
Big Dave wrote on Oct 1
st, 2012 at 8:41am:
Patting somebody on the back or winking (saying g'day) isn't abhorrent.
It said patting on the backside, you left that out.
Big Dave wrote on Oct 1
st, 2012 at 8:41am:
Sound like you are justifying blue on green shootings. Seeing that some of those were on Australians I find these comments highly offensive.Your problem is that you are two thirds extremist.
Read into it what you will. I never stated any such thing, that's purely your imagination running wild.