polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 15
th, 2012 at 10:43pm:
oh come on, enough with the hysterics. I'll eat my hat if a pretty Australian girl ends up being executed by the Malaysian government - it just aint gonna happen. She will receive a long gaol sentence, then she will be released early by way of some prison swap deal.
Pretty, ugly, handsome, charity worker all one's life, supported starving kids and adults in the third world...it matters not.
Death sentence is mandatory.
They've hanged 3 Aussies already..Barlow, Chambers and Michael McAuliffe in June 1993.
Dominic Bird is also on trial for his life...death sentence mandatory for him as well if convicted.
They'll drag Emma and Dominic from their cells to the gallows and hang them, in the blink of any eye.
"Defiance", "our laws", "our system", "our sovereign nation"...same as Singapore spouted when they execution-hanged Aussie Nguyen although begged not to by all and sundry, including the Pope...
...and Indonesia did when sentencing many of the Bali9 kids to death...execution-shredding awaiting Andrew Chan [now a Christian,
"Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war"], and Myuran Sukumaran.
http://www.news.com.au/features/butt-out-on-death-penalty/story-e6frfl3i-1111114... 'Butt out on death penalty'
THE judges hearing the Bali Nine trials have warned Australians not to interfere in Indonesia's right to impose capital punishment, insisting they would not allow their independence to be compromised.
They said today that any attempt to influence their handling of the heroin trafficking cases would yield the same result as in Singapore with the drugs case of executed man Van Tuong Nguyen: defiance.
Same thing in Malaysia, where its death sentence is mandatory.
Only a successful appeal for mercy to the King can save you from the gallows in Malaysia...and good luck with that.
Two can play the
'defiance' game!
Time Australia started playing the 'defiance' game, got itself an Oz-made steel spine and stood up to the rest of the world, instead of being a limp-wristed milk-sop.
Time to tell the Queen to boot Malaysia out of the Commonwealth, for starters.