abu_rashid wrote on Oct 22
nd, 2012 at 6:31pm:
Your two scenarios have some merit, however what it doesn't take into account is what each side is working with. For the Palestinians, scenario two has already been chosen for them (ever since 1948) and they live it day in day out, so there's nothing for them to lose by continuing to work for the reversal of the entire situation, and nothing to gain by working for scenario one.
On the other hand we have have the Zionists who live according to the projected outcomes for scenario one (for the most part anyway), and so they have everything to lose by abandoning that.
Your scenarios, like most proposed by outsiders, do not take into account whatsoever what each side entered this situation with. It simply says "cut your losses and move on", and that's not a viable, and certainly not a just, solution.
The Palestinians did not ask for any of this to come to them, and they should not have to make any concession to right a wrong they did not invite nor cause in any way whatsoever. If the Zionists want to right the wrong they wrought, all power to them for that, but expecting the victim to do so is just ludicrous. It's like telling a rape victim to just move on and get along with their attacker, or worse that they have to marry them and live with them, because the rape cannot be undone.
I understand there are great difficulties involved, in moving forward, particularly for those party's most closely involved.
However, the two essential choices remain and if both party's can not take that first & subsequent steps, then outcome two will eventually take place and everyone will lose!
So, whilst I understand that there are past issues that will remain, from both perspectives, it is essential that the party's understand that if they both fail to communicate with each other now and they both fail to take the first step forward now, then they may well condemn future generations, on both sides, to oblivion.
Obviously, there will be some stumbling blocks along the way, but the end outcomes are very clear, so I hope the correct choices are made, by both sides of the dilemma and that outcomes are found that both party's can live with, instead of die for!