Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Nov 6
th, 2012 at 1:35pm:
I don't believe you. Noone could really think that.
What the f*ck is it with immigrants coming here and doing their best to sh*t on the people that allows them in and to flourish.
It's little wonder people become suspicious of newly arrived immigrants when they spend most of their time telling the people who live here how horrible they and their past are. [/quote] [/quote]
Everyone who has read a bit of history knows about the church's horrific punishments. What is the point of bringing it up? Easy, to make people feel guilt, to make us feel shame. It's all been rectified. The church has been separated from the state, capital punishment is outlawed (something that is not in China; the country that executes more people than every other country combined).
Maybe you could drag up all the good stuff the West has done? If it wasn't for the West's influence millions of Chinese would probably still be illiterate rice paddy workers.
I fully admit. The history of the West was brutal. Yet, every country that has adopted the modern world owes it all to the European states who sacrificed so many of their men when the states were competing against each other trying to outdo each other. This competition led to advancement; the European states constantly tried to keep the edge over the other by inventing new technology. We all live today off the capital (I mean cultural and technological capital and not just economic capital) that Europe created.
European advancements weren't created by being nice. Very little ever gets created by being nice. Advancements, in any discipline, takes competition, intellect, experimentation, pain, will, vigour, strength, and domination. [/quote]
Yeah well no reason to keep bringing up germany's past atrocities either