Watch Phil Robinson, who appears to be Yadda's theological/creation doppelgänger.
Listen carefully to Phil Robinson's 'point by point', in his opening presentation.
Evolutionists Get Owned By Creationists on BBC TV Show 13m dating 'proves' an old earth, supposedly - But if in the first instance, rd is a flawed process, then relying upon rd must result in a flawed conclusion. And relying upon such a process would be unlikely to ever result in a correct conclusion.
The process of 'evolution' of the species found on earth, relies upon 'Natural Selection' - But the problem is, that in a 'selection' process, you can only select from what you already have. Where does the new [extra] biological information come from ?
Without a reliable dating process;
The age of rocks - IS NOT CONCLUSIVE
The age of dinosaur fossils - IS NOT CONCLUSIVE
The age when dinosaurs lived - IS NOT CONCLUSIVE
And 'Natural Selection';
How can we get more information, from less information, gene wise ?
Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists question