muso wrote on Oct 25
th, 2012 at 10:01pm:
Yadda, Qualified etymologists have commented and even written papers on the very shoddy examples provided by these creationists. Here is an example: can't find a full text version on the web, but here is a typical extract:
Quote:Of course HY’s scenario is the same here: show a fossil specimen next to a recent one and declare them identical to “prove” that they were. created by god and did not evolve. Evidently, HY made the same sort of errors as illustrated before. Take, for example, p. 237 in V1 where HY shows a bark beetle fossil in amber,stating that “barkbeetles of 25 million years ago were the same as those today...showing that living things did not evolve, but were created”. However, the recent “bark beetle” on p. 237 of V1 is not even a beetle, but a pentatomid stink bug (Notius consputus) (Figure 15; website 9). This belongs to the order Hemiptera or Heteroptera (depending on which taxonomic classification one follows), while beetles belong to the order Coleoptera. If one has doubts that these two orders are fundamentally, different then keep in mind that Hemiptera have a hemimetabolous development (incomplete metamorphosis with egg, nymph and adult), whereas Coleoptera are holometabolous (complete metamorphosis with egg,
larva, pupa and adult).
As I said, it's chalk and cheese, or Gumby and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm not big on Latin names, but i will concede that yes, people will view the evidence that is presented re the claims for creation or for evolution, .....depending on the particular 'perspective' [i.e. the bias] that they are viewing that evidence from.
I have no argument with people presenting evidence.
Mostly i have an argument [when i do], with how that evidence is interpreted.
From examining some examples that i have come across [which seem to expose a lack of consistency in the results of radio-metric dating], i am very sceptical of the validity of radio-metric dating, which seemingly is used,
and accepted, widely in dating fossils.
IMO, relying upon the the validity of radio-metric dating to accurately date fossils, also requires a need in all of us, for a great deal of 'faith', in the integrity of the experts in that field, because of what they are trying to assure us is true and certain.
That they can
accurately determine the age of a rock [+/- 1 million years or so].
I have no faith in 'experts'.
I'd rather trust the common sense, of common people.
[i.e. people who don't necessarily have any ['external'] driving motivation to come up with a particular determination, to suit their 'clients' 'interests', i.e. reflecting the 'client' relationship which many scientists have with their employer!].
But you go ahead, and believe whatever you want to believe muso.
And i will too.
The only thing which is real, is that which we can see, and feel, and hear.
Nothing is beyond the intellect of men.
Our wisdom shines forth in the world.