Poitiers Mosque occupied by French patriot group.
70 young people of the French group Génération Identitaire have occupied a construction site which is intended to become the Grand Mosque of Poitiers since early this morning (Saturday 20th October). This is a link to the
French L'expresswhich has the story from AFP. And the google translation into English [urlhttp://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://fr.news.yahoo.com/mosqu%25C3%25A9e-poitiers-envahie-militants-dextr%25C3%25A8me-droite-095541934.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3DLa%2Bmosqu%25C3%25A9e%2Bde%2BPoitiers%2Benvahie%2Bpar%2Bdes%2Bmilitants%2Bd%2527extr%25C3%25A8me%2Bdroite%26num%3D100%26hl%3Den%26newwindow%3D1%26prmd%3Dimvns&sa=X&ei=JICCUKThGu3C0AWl2oHoAw&ved=0CEMQ7gEwBA]here.[/url]
Rachid Kaci , sub-prefect of Montmorillon says that they are on the roof which, because of its height was making it difficult for the 30 policemen surrounding the building to make any arrests. negotiations have taken place and it seems that the 70 young Frenchmen (and women?) will come down at noon having made their point.
I know little about this group as yet. The newspapers call them 'far right extremists' or 'militants d'extrême droite' but thats just a generic term thrown about these days.
This is the English language page of Generation Identitaire's website.
One hundred of young men and women from all France just entered the Great Mosque of Poitiers and occupy its roofs. On the front, face to the minaret, we unrolled a banner where one can read a clear message : « Immigration, building of mosques : REFERENDUM ! »
Through this important action, Génération Identitaire aims to be in the first line of the fight for our identity.
1300 years ago, Charles Martel stopped Arabs in Poitiers after an heroic battle which save our country from the Muslim invasion. It was the October 25th of 732. Today, we’re on 2012 and the choice is still the same : live free or die. Our generation refuse to see her people and her identity disappear through indifference. We’ll never be the Native Indians of Europe. From this place, important symbol of our past and bravery of our ancestors, we call to memory and fight !
. . . without French, there’s no more France. It is a matter of survival :
. . . because our generation pay the top price for this situation by being subjected to the intimidations from delinquents, we say : enough ! We don’t move back anymore ! We reclaim a national consultation about immigration and building of mosques in France. We won’t leave this place until before being listened and satisfied.
Our fight has only just begun, we call the young Europeans to become heirs of their fate and to join the advance guard of the youth who stands tall.
As and when we find out more I will update this post.
http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/44518This is no quick-burst Brevik craziness. This is a long and sustained pushback against the permanently offended, permanently aggrieved muslim gimme-gimme brigade. These are young people, they are not going to peter out without leaving a mark. They bring energy and determination. If the bearded monsters attack them, then it will be on for young and old.
The youth of France has had enough. They have the revolutionary, civic tradition to set Europe on fire with this.
Stand by for similar group springing up throughout Europe.