Gold Member

Australian Politics
Posts: 11694
Perth WA
As I have previously said, it seems that there are a couple of likely outcomes.
1) Both sides and their supporters, accept that the past can not be changed, but with good will & an acceptance of change on the part of both sides, a reasonable future is still negotiable.
2) Both sides and their supporters, continue their current approach to each other.
In respect of approach one, an outcome is possible where the past remains but all sides concentrate on a decent future for each other and eventually learn to live together, without tearing at the very fabric of their lives!
In respect of approach two, eventually the very fabric of their lives of both sides is completely torn asunder, no one wins & everyone loses!
The choices may & may not, be quite that stark, but they are the two essential choices!
To all involved, I suggest a step back & a deep breath, may actually be the first step forward, on a new path.
This path needs to be walked together, by both sides into possibly a more hopeful & brighter future.
The specifics of any lasting arrangements in the region must come from the active participants, but those arrangements will also necessarily involve proposals, which at first sight may seem to go too far, by both sides!
This dilemma, will no doubt, require the clearing of stumbling blocks along the way, some of which have been created by the respective antagonists, whilst some of those stumbling blocks were created by others in the international community.
Should both sides Fail to walk this path together, they may well condemn future generations, both directly and indirectly involved, to become permanently lost, in a dark wilderness of distress, distrust & outright destruction.
Finally, the choices are for those directly & indirectly affected. I hope that the right choices are made, primarily by both sides of this dilemma and that a way past this Gordian Knot can be found!