abu_rashid wrote on Nov 19
th, 2012 at 6:19pm:
salad in wrote on Nov 19
th, 2012 at 8:08am:
abu_rashid wrote on Nov 18
th, 2012 at 7:42pm:
salad dressing,
Surely you must realise that striving for a lofty position in paradise, and wanting to be murdered are not the same?
I refuse to believe anyone adept enough to operate a computer could be so daft.
And I refuse to believe that people would keep firing rockets at its neighbour and moan when its neighbour fires back. Are people that stooopid?
The Zionists are not a neighbour, they are an occupying force.
Sderot, Ashkelon etc. are Arab towns which were ethnically cleansed and now are occupied by Zionist squatters, when the descendants of the survivors of Najd (called by the Zionists Sderot) fire rockets at the squatters in their lands, they are FULLY justified.
If the squatters don't like it, they are free to go back to their home countries, nobody is stopping them.
When moslems in Sudan murder 2 million Christians [because they are not moslems], and steal their women and children and property, that is OK.
THEN, moslems believe that might is right, because 'Allah is on our side'.
When moslems in Nigeria, murder Christians [because they are not moslems] that is OK.
THEN, moslems believe that might is right, because 'Allah is on our side'.
When in Thailand, Philippines, Burma, Bangladesh, India, ....in all of these places moslems are the aggressors.
THEN, moslems believe that might is right, because 'Allah is on our side'.
But whenever ANYONE takes back what moslems have stolen, they are oppressors.
It is strange [to me], how moslems reject reason, whenever facts do not support their moslem logic.
Israel is the Jewish homeland.
Israel is the >> ONLY << Jewish homeland.
Jerusalem has been associated with the Jewish people for millennia.
'Jerusalem, the City of David.'
There is no 'Palestine', 'Palestine' has never existed in the modern era.
The term 'Palestine' was invented post 1967, to describe the lands which Israel has laid claim to.
And moslems do not like the presence of that non-moslem entity in their midst.
Too bad.
The land of Israel is the Jewish homeland.
The land of Israel is the >> ONLY << Jewish homeland.
If it was about 'land', there is plenty of moslem lands,
deserts, around Israel,
Go and do it.
Build the nation of ISLAM.
But you cannot.

The land of Israel no longer belongs to moslems.
And the land of Israel will never again belong to moslems.
Here in History and Moral Philosophy
we've explored the decline of
Democracy when social scientists brought
the world to the brink of chaos, and how the
veterans took control and imposed a stability
that has lasted for generations since...
You know these facts but have I taught you
anything of value ? You.
Why are only citizens allowed to vote ?
Rasczak points at LANNY, 17, with his stump
It's a reward... what the Federation gives you
for doing Federal Service.
Rasczak is crestfallen, makes a big show of patience.
No. Something given has no value !
Haven't I taught you dimwits anything ?
I guess they ought to revoke my
teaching credential...
When you vote, you're exercising political
authority. You're using force. And force, my
friends, is violence, the supreme authority
from which all other authority derives. CARL JENKINS, 18, a superintelligent geek, jumps in.
Gee, we always thought you were the
supreme authority, Mr. Rasczak.
Laughter. Rasczak grins.
In my classroom, you bet. Whether it's
exerted by ten or ten billion, political
authority is violence by degree. The
people we call citizens have earned
the right to wield it.
DIZZY FLORES, 18, athletic, pretty, no nonsense, chimes in.
My mother always says that violence
never solves anything.
Really ? I wonder what the city fathers of
Hiroshima would have to say about that.
Rasczak points at Carmen.
They probably wouldn't say anything.
Hiroshima was destroyed.
Correct. Naked force has settled more
issues in history than any other factor.
The contrary opinion 'violence never
solves anything' is wishful thinking
at its worst. RASCZAK
People who forget that always pay...
They pay with their lives and their
freedom.From the movie Starship Troopers