Here is a video from Kathy Jackson and I suggest you follow the information from a site that is not a labor mouth piece to get at the truth UHLMANN: To $270,000?
KATHY JACKSON: That's correct.
CHRIS UHLMANN: Doesn't that seem a little excessive...
KATHY JACKSON: Yes, it does.
CHRIS UHLMANN: ... for someone who represents some. Poorest workers in Australia?
KATHY JACKSON: I agree with you but let's look at the history of this. As I said previously this was rammed through the council, by Michael Williamson and his people. We objected to it. The Victorians ran a case against it to the council, it was in camera.
I wasn't at the meeting. We were asked to leave. The New South Wales councillors rammed this proposal through.
At mediation last week in the courts, as part of that mediation, process, I put my hand up and said that I should get at least $100,000 salary cut, and that was rejected.