my real opinion is we are a sovereign nation.
i am a cattle breeder
i support immigration of asian migrants who will work hard and improve the current australian herd.
i support being friends with indonesia and selling them as much goods and services as possible.
i am happy to accomodate assylum seekers or seafaring adventure tourists on the basis they come to OZ and are given a work visa and work for maybe twice the average weekly earnings of their home country.
so an afghani would work for $6 a day a sri lankan for $ 10 a day.
after 5 years of hard work , proving their worth to our nation, we chuck a big party and all get pissed together.
they are now worthy members of our herd.
lip sewers and sooks who self mutilate because their tent leaks are most unwelcome (as indeed they would be in any drovers camp

the UN are faggots and should be ignored.
people who talk about human rights should immediately be sent to south sudan or the congo for 12 months of wisening up.
follow my plan and australia will move ever upwards. you would find it is a similar plan to china and indonesia.
take speed in china and its no disability pension and free denticare for you. oh no, its 10 years hard labor in a prison factory.
we are so soft, we are the nation of marsh mallows and powder puffs.
i welcome our northern neighbors to take the place over and run the country along the lines of rewarding small business and hard work.
i am learning mandarin and my children have been told to learn indonesian.
of course i could just post whiney complaints under the heading "imcrookonit" but this will get us nowhere.
i so look forward to western apologist and spot living under an asian business driven economy.
my bet is they will be fighting for scraps at the local landfill.
cant fight darwin. its science