As the truth closes in on Gillard and the rats start scratching at portholes, Bill Shorten is the first to prepare to desert the front line and leave his “mates” in the trenches.
His pitiful attempt at fending off questions on the (previously asleep) ABC was unconvincing for good reason because Bill Shorten knows more than anyone about Gillard’s complicity in the AWU fraud. It was Shorten who went to great lengths to have it covered up.
Shorten sat there, on the Lateline program, wriggling in his seat, alternating between shades of crimson, “I can’t recall... I wasn’t there”, he blustered. But you WERE there, Bill Shorten.
As campaign manager for Bob Kernohan in 1992, you produced pamphlets documenting his opponent’s (Bruce Wilson's) fraudulent activities. Are you sure you weren’t there Shorten? Are you sure you know nothing about this Gillard/Wilson thing?
If I presented you with one of your pamphlets, would you perhaps remember then?
You had just completed your articles at Maurice Blackburn lawyers and on the AWU’s payroll under Bob Kernohan when the extent of the Gillard/Wilson fraud became known.
It was you, Bill Shorten, who stood there with Bill Ludwig and tried to convince Ian Cambridge to drop his demands for a Royal Commission and asked him to refuse to co-operate with the police investigation.