MOTR wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2012 at 5:03am:
It would seem more BS is flowing from the PM's department
Check out the person personally interested in what is happening with the mortgage interest rate
The Prime Minister tells lies, she always has, she did to her partners
small extract
At some point, Julia spoke with someone who cared about whether or not he would be charged the higher rate of interest. But keep in mind that Julia Gillard knew nothing about the mortgage. Just out of the blue, Julia asked her PA to make enquiries, and Julia's PA's note found its way into the mortgage file.
another small extract
And it wasn't enough for Julia to just get that information about the mortgage she knew nothing about verbally. Or even hand-written. It was typed out. Nicely. In a way that you could take home and show to your lover who was enquiring about the mortgage he was acquiring. But Julia knew nothing about that. Just ask her.
Check it out, documents, hand written notes and other
One hand written note for assistant says
Would like a memo from NOB
under what circumstances is
higher interest rate charged
Others are too big for me to bother, just go look at a memo from Olly (Juliars assistant) to Julia about the interest rate.
Then read gillards response again from MOTR above