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Forgiveness (Read 40611 times)
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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #30 - Dec 6th, 2012 at 7:50pm
All are forgiven unconditionally.

That will be all.

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In the fullness of time...
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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #31 - Dec 6th, 2012 at 9:49pm
Not quite yet...and 'cause I took a position of non-forgiveness, I'm allowed to continue Grin

I would like to know what this position of "forgiveness for all" actually entails. It doesn't seem to entail empathy, respect, or understanding for the wider community.
And why tf would an opinion require forgiveness from anybody?

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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #32 - Dec 7th, 2012 at 5:55pm
I would like to know what this position of "forgiveness for all" actually entails.


it is so regardless of your permission

you reside in that which you create and so it is,

A. forgiveness for yourself first to rid self loathing aspect

individualistic egoisms and suchness

2. then all others yes exterior unto the self

if not...

this is ok and cool yet does not effect the divine plan


your experience within as much

too much?

so be it


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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #33 - Dec 7th, 2012 at 6:46pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 7th, 2012 at 5:55pm:
A. forgiveness for yourself first to rid self loathing aspect



Get rid of any loathing aspect, and replace it with laughter. Hate and loathing will consume you.

Thank you for the laughter, Light.
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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #34 - Dec 7th, 2012 at 7:15pm
i am honoured to be amongst such fine

and noble beings

blessings unto all hearts

with so very much LOVE


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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #35 - Dec 12th, 2012 at 10:22am
all are forgiven unconditionally,

and LOVED beyond measure,

it is better to conquer thyself

than to win 1000 battles...



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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #36 - Jan 10th, 2013 at 9:07pm
all are forgiven unconditionally,

and LOVED beyond measure,

it is better to conquer thyself

than to win 1000 battles...



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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #37 - Jan 10th, 2013 at 9:12pm
Luke 12:10

And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him:
but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #38 - Jan 10th, 2013 at 9:49pm
all are forgiven yes

all are one


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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #39 - Jan 10th, 2013 at 10:12pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jan 10th, 2013 at 9:49pm:
all are forgiven yes

all are one



Dear Light,
You are more forgiving than Jesus -
you must be the Messiah?
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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #40 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 8:55pm
i am that i am

in unity

this is a frequency match yes

do you deny this?

for it is so

all are one

and so it is


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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #41 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:00pm
16 seconds of pesky add

just mute this,

its worth it,



onward to victory!


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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #42 - Jan 16th, 2013 at 5:00am

The Blessing of Humility
Heavenletter #4435 Published on: January 15, 2013
God said:
I must ask you, in all due respect, beloveds, who are you to forgive another? What has another done to warrant your forgiveness? Perhaps you are imposing standards?

Perhaps someone or a group just isn’t what you think they ought to be. Perhaps you think they ought to dress the way you dress or speak as you believe they should speak. How, may I ask, are you supposed to be?

Are you the decider of what another ought to be like? I ask you, did someone declare you the World’s Foremost Authority?! Not I! Then, in this case, it must be that you appointed yourself. Beloved, how many asked you for your sense of what is du jour and how many did not ask you?

Personal ways of approaching life are personal ways of approaching life. Each is doing the best he can. As much as possible, others have to be the making of themselves. Allow others to be free to be who they are. This is how they learned to deal with the world. You may be asking too much. Sometimes you have to leave well enough alone.

The majority of My children have enough to do to counsel themselves. Just about everyone thinks he knows better than just about everyone else, yet you and everyone else know only what you know. You don’t know what others know. Sometimes you have a hard call to make because, truly, from the goodness of your heart, you want to help another. Sometimes you have to save your breath. When is it felt as charity when you point out the error of others’ ways?

Where is the charity in pointing out the error of others’ ways? You have your standards, and others have their own. If you must hold others to different standards, what about asking yourself to choose to hold yourself to a more easy-going standard. If you must have a voice, then have a voice that understands that others have learned their own ways. Life will teach. If you are to teach others, you teach best by example and not by fault.

Sometimes it is a hard call because you are coming from love, and in all love, you want to bless the person you counsel. Remember that everyone has Me as well as you have Me. Learn more than you instruct.

Life is teaching you and everyone else the blessing of humility. Humility is embracing. Humility in you says:

“I love my brothers and sisters, and I wish to embrace them. I wish to join them in this human endeavor called life. If there is something I wish to change in another, I will see its counterpart in myself and look to change my view first. I have come to see that I am not someone who has all say or any say over another. Whatever I think that others must learn, may I learn it. May I be the first to learn all that I want others to learn. Let me be more than I was yesterday. Let me without any sense of all-knowingness. Such all-knowingness can be a mask for my own sense of not being good enough. Would I spend my life criticizing others so that I would not have to criticize myself? No longer will I separate myself from my Oneness with humanity and my Oneness with God. If I set myself above another, I set myself under false premises. I belie myself. I relinquish my past impositions upon the world. Let me start over today and learn the wisdom of love. Let me be me, and let me let everyone be as he is. Let me come to see through God’s eyes and act through God’s heart.”
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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #43 - Jan 28th, 2013 at 6:09am

Your Annoyance Quotient
Heavenletter #4447 Published on: January 27, 2013
God said:
Troubles come in different sizes, and yet your response is often more dire than the size of the trouble. When you are fit-to-be-tied, you are fit-to-be-tied in an extra large size! Is this not true? The tiny upsets seemingly upset you as much as the big upsets. Upset is upset. What are We going to do about your having One Size Fits All?

So many of your upsets are about tiny things that don’t matter a hoot, and yet your being upset has made a little thing into a catastrophe. It is as if you have one slot to insert any-sized trouble. This is a form of smallness, beloveds, when you make a little thing big. Sometimes it seems that you have an annoyance quotient that you feel you must fill. What would you do, beloveds, without your flare-ups? What would you do with all your energy if nothing got to you? Yet annoyances, big or small, get to you. They rub you the wrong way. Annoyances are intolerable to you, even when they are about nothing at all.

Cut your annoyances down to size now. Someone else has another way to do mundane things, and they try to impose their way on you. You must admit that the littlest thing can set you off. The fact is you don’t want anyone telling you what to do or how to do it. You don’t unless you ask, and even then, sometimes you don’t really want to hear.

Ah, beloveds, no longer can you expect everyone to dance to your tune, even when others seem to expect you to dance to theirs. How important are details anyway? People are going to see as they are going to see. Let them. You are not going to change them. They, however, may think they are going to change you. And if they succeed, what have they got? What do they think they got? An admission that they are right and you are mistaken?

The real question is: What is important to you? And its corollary is: What is important to another? What heads your list, and what heads others’ lists. Is this not the issue?

One person is obliged to neatness, and another is obliged to function. Neither is right, and neither is wrong. There is no one right way, and there is no one wrong way. Nevertheless, even on little matters, judgment pushes its way to the fore. A little of everything may be a good thing, but not judgment. Judgment has to be thrown out. Judgment does not belong. Judgment has no right to impose itself. Let Hands Off be your motto even when it appears not to be another’s.

What is not someone else’s business isn’t your business either, yet you become haughty when someone minds your business, and then you take that as a reason to mind theirs. You want your own free-wheeling space, and someone has stepped on your territory. They overstepped their bounds. And then your mind becomes involved in boundaries.

The sum of many annoyances is like this: You want to paint your fence red, let’s say. It is your fence. You’ll paint it any color you like. You will buy the paint, and you will do the painting. Then someone tells you that you should paint your fence green or white. You let someone else’s comment – and that is all it is – a comment – you let their comment throw you in a tizzy. Do they have to agree with you? Do you have to agree with them? No, you don’t. They may not know that, but you know that. Give yourself free choice then, and give others their free choice to express their opinion too. It is a given that you will paint your fence as you please. You don’t have to make a big announcement about it.

You so want to live and not be bothered. So, then, beloveds, live and not be bothered! Try smiling instead.
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Christ Light

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Re: Forgiveness
Reply #44 - Apr 11th, 2013 at 5:17pm
i would humbly suggest forgiveness

in these now moments

be very delicate with the self..

in love and gratitude


- : )
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