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Quantum Physics = Spirituality (Read 52255 times)
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Christ Light

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Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Nov 27th, 2012 at 7:52pm
do any deny this fact?

i have many truckloads of evidence

need i go on? be it

it shall be done here

with so very much LOVE


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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #1 - Nov 27th, 2012 at 7:59pm


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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #2 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 6:46am

Super Moon with Dr. Pillai LIVE Hangout

Streamed live on Jun 22, 2013 -- full moon ritual -- full moon and pradosham rituals
Free MP3:

Super Moon Summer Solstice 2013: Dr. Pillai's LIVE Hangout Recorded June 22, 2013
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #3 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 6:49am

The Healing Wisdom of Sacred Geometry

Published on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 00:00
Written by Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D.


Our world is being shaped—for the worse in many cases—by a modern science which manipulates life's natural patterns, while lacking the contextual understanding to do so responsibly. Genetically Modified Organisms, the irradiation of our food supply, the collapse of the human immune system from Electo-Magnetic energies, are just a few prominent examples. However with the proper contextual and spiritual understanding, we can create in harmony with nature and heal the destruction that has already taken place. Central to the development of this new healing science is the field of Sacred Geometry. Sacred Geometry is the study of the archetypal spiritual patterns which create everything in the material world. In Sacred Geometry the artificial split between science and spirit is healed, and the foundations for a new healing science of the future arise out of the ancient wisdom of the past.

The great spiritual schools of the world know that Sacred Geometry is a master key to expanding human spiritual awareness; to healing the physical body and correcting energetic problems; to conscious experience of—and communication with—spiritual beings and forces; and much more. Sacred Geometry began with the initiation teachings of ancient spiritual traditions, instructing students in the secret relationships between the physical world and the spiritual worlds. Sacred Geometry then became a basis for the beginning of science as we know it, including the sacred science of Egypt (which built the pyramids with exacting precision) and the Pythagorean science of vibrational energies in Greece. Every great spiritual tradition on Earth instructs their students in some aspect of Sacred Geometry, for it is the common master science by which the individual can both understand and directly tap into the forces of the Divine. At every scale of existence—from the sub-atomic level, to the forms of the human body, all the way up to the galactic scale—vthe same key patterns bring all things into manifestation.

Sacred Geometry is not simply a matter of ancient knowledge, however. The most important and powerful scientific breakthroughs of the modern world have come about through scientists re-discovering the same secrets of divine pattern taught in the spiritual schools. An amazing example of this comes from the Greek Mystery schools of 2500 years ago, which taught that there were 5 perfect 3-dimensional forms—the Platonic Solids—that were the foundation of everything in the physical world. Modern scholars ridiculed this idea until the 1980's, when Professor Emeritus Robert Moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated that the entire Periodic Table of Elements—literally everything in the physical world—is based on these same 5 forms! In fact, throughout modern Physics, Chemistry, and Biology the sacred geometric patterns of creation are being rediscovered, but tragically without the greater context of spiritual understanding which protects against the misuse of this knowledge.

Sacred Geometry, in summary, provides the essential knowledge for all human activity by clarifying the natural patterns which the world is based on. In the past, spiritual schools have closely guarded the secrets of Sacred Geometry—in many cases requiring initiates to prefer death to revealing those secrets to the uninitiated. But with modern science's rediscovery and manipulation of these patterns, what was once secret must now become available to everyone; we all will be touched in our lives by humanity's global success or failure to understand the Sacred Geometry of matter and spirit. Every individual effort to apply the knowledge of sacred geometry in the world—in Health, Environmental Work, Spiritual Development, Medicine, Psychology, Art, Education, Physics, Metaphysics, etc.—is a constructive act of healing wisdom.
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #4 - Jun 27th, 2013 at 2:25pm

PAO Webinar 38: Sacred Geometry -- Preview: Earth's Sacred Geometry

Published on 26 Jun 2013
Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar 38 -- Sacred Geometry
To see the complete Webinar:
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #5 - Jun 27th, 2013 at 7:27pm



Mathematics is our way of explaining the chaotic world around us with a system of numbers. You may be surprised to learn that many mathematical concepts are abundant in nature. But which is the case? Does math mimic nature or does nature mimic math?

During the European Renaissance, math (and music) were called perfect arts. Let us, for a moment, focus our attention on plants. Plants, and all other forms of life, have evolved through adapting to their surroundings. Sunflowers, for instance, face the sun by way of a special growth-regulator on the shady side of the plant that causes it to grow faster than the sunny side, causing the plant to bend. This is a product of millenia of evolution. Let's take another look at the sunflower; this time at the flower itself. Have you ever noticed how tightly-packed the seeds are in the center of the flower? We could easily assume that this is another product of perfection through evolution; the flower packing its seeds in neat spirals eminating from the center. But, alas, that isn't the case. It's an example of the Fibonacci Series (and Lucas Series) appearing in nature.

To further examine this concept, we will continue examining flowers. Did you know, for instance, that most daisies have 34, 55 or 89 petals? Those numbers should be familiar to you; they are the 9th, 10th, and 11th Fibonacci Numbers. Have you ever wondered why four-leaf clovers are so rare? It's because four isn't a Fibonacci Number. Here is a list of flowers with number of petals:

Number of Petals       Flower
3 petals (or 2 sets of 3)       lily (usually in 2 sets of 3 for 6 total), iris
5 petals       buttercup, wild rose, larkspur, columbine (aquilegia), vinca
8 petals       delphinium, coreopsis
13 petals       ragwort, marigold, cineraria
21 petals       aster, black-eyed susan, chicory
34 petals       plantain, daisy, pyrethrum
55 petals       daisy, the asteraceae family
89 petals       daisy, the asteraceae family
There are exceptions to this list. Most fall into two categories; a doubling of the number of petals, and/or a version of the Fibonacci Series called the Lucas Series (2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, etc.). Mutations and variations from species to species also account for exceptions but when the number of petals are averaged, the number will usually be a Fibonacci or Lucas Number.
There are several pictures available. We also recommend you look at flowers around where you live.
Pictures of Flowers


By far the most fascinating appearances of the Fibonacci Series in nature are the spirals that can be seen in everything from sunflowers to pine cones to pineapples. We are about to explain that this phenomenon comes not from perfection through evolution (which is, in itself, oxymoronic) but from the dynamics of plant growth. To begin to understand how these spirals come to be, one must go back to the beginning; to where flowers and fruits and seeds start: the apex. The apex is the tip of the shoot of a growing plant. It is the bud on the end of a stem on a tree and the bulb of a flower before it blooms. Around the apex grow little bumps called primordia. As more primordia develop, they are pushed farther and farther from the apex and they develop into the familiar features of a plant, be it a leaf, a flower, or parts of a fruit. Let us consider a sunflower with primordia growing from the center. The first primordia to develop end up being farther from the apex than later primordia. Therefore, it can be deduced from this in what order the primordia appeared. As it happens, if one took the first and second primordia and measured the angle between them with the center of the seed head as the vertex, the angle would be very close to 137.5 degrees (see above).

That angle is very important in describing how primordia form the spirals we see. It is, in fact, known as the golden angle. Here's where the Fibonacci Series comes in. Take two consecutive Fibonacci Numbers and divide the smaller by the larger. Then multiply by 360 degrees. Let's try 55/89 * 360 = 222.472... . We can round that degree measure to 222.5 degrees. Remember from trigonometry that angles can be measured internally or externally, so if you subtract it from 360 degrees to convert it, you get 137.5 degrees, the golden angle. In other words, 360(1-) = 137.5... .


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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #6 - Jun 27th, 2013 at 7:29pm
Leonardo da Vinci
The Golden Rectangle is proposed to be the most aesthetically pleasing of all possible rectangles. For this reason, it and the Golden Ratio have been used extensively in art and architecture for thousands of years. The most prominent and well known uses of the Golden Rectangle in art were created by the great Italian artist, inventor, and mathematician, Leonardo da Vinci.


"The Mona Lisa," undisputably Leonardo's most famous painting, is full of Golden Rectangles. If you draw a rectangle whose base extends from the woman's right wrist to her left elbow and extend the rectangle vertically until it reaches the very top of her head, you will have a Golden Rectangle. Then, if you draw squares inside this Golden Rectangle, as was shown in the Golden Spiral in Action page, you will discover that the edges of these new squares come to all the important focal points of the woman: her chin, her eye, her nose, and the upturned corner of her mysterious mouth. It is believed that Leonardo, as a mathematician, purposefully made this painting line up with Golden Rectangles in this fashion in order to further the incorporation of mathematics into art. In the spirit of mathematics in art, it is also worth mentioning that the overall shape of the woman is a triangle with her arms as the base and her head as the tip. This is meant to draw attention to the face of the woman in the portrait.


Leonardo's famous study of the proportions of man, "The Vetruvian Man" (The Man in Action), is also full of Golden Rectangles. Unlike the Mona Lisa, where all the lines of the Golden Rectangle are assumed by the mathematician, in "The Vetruvian Man", many of the lines of the rectangles are actually drawn into the image, at least in part. There are three distinct sets of Golden Rectangles in this painting: one set for the head area, one for the torso, and one for the legs.

To find the first set of rectangles, the one for the head, draw a rectangle whose base goes along the man's neck from shoulder to shoulder (stop at the shoulder lines provided by Leonardo). The top of the rectangle should meet the top of the man's head. This creates the first Golden Rectangle. Once you have that, inscribe a square in the left side of the rectangle, creating a smaller Golden Rectangle on the right side of the man's head. Then do the same with the right side of the original rectangle, creating a long, thin rectangle that runs vertically through the center of the man's head. Note that the smaller Golden Rectangles intersect with the focal points of the head: the eyes.

The second set of rectangles is found in a similar way. This time, all the lines are provided by Leonardo in the painting. Draw a rectangle which runs from elbow to elbow and from neck to waist. This creates a Golden Rectangle. Then, in a similar fashion to the first set, inscribe a square in each side of the rectangle, creating two more Golden Rectangles. Note this time that these new smaller Golden Rectangles intersect with the innermost portion of the man's torso.

For the third set, draw a rectangle whose lower two vertices are at the places where the man's outermost toes touch the outlying circle. The rectangle should extend vertically to the man's waist. This creates yet another Golden Rectangle. Now inscribe squares in the sides of the rectangle as you did before. This time it seems that the two smaller rectangles come to where the man's legs would be if they weren't turned out in that fashion.
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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #7 - Jun 27th, 2013 at 8:08pm
Quantum Physics = Cowardly Stochastic escapism based upon ignorance and fear

and this basis alone, Quantum Physics is inherently FALSE
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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #8 - Jun 27th, 2013 at 8:09pm
Quantum Physics = Cowardly Stochastic escapism based upon ignorance and fear

and on this basis alone, Quantum Physics must be inherently FALSE
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #9 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:18am


- : )


Raise Your Vibrational Frequency To Higher Consciousness & Heal
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« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:34am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #10 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 3:33pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Guardians of Light August 18 2013

AUGUST 18, 2013
There is no Separation: There Never Was.

Channeled Through Caroline K.A.

Dearest ones, In regards to channeled messages, there is no harm in asking to speak with a specific light being, but may we remind you, we are all one, and as Archangel MIchael has specifically mentioned this concept to our scribe, and to many of you, we shall repeat it once again.

When one is channeling, we, your galactic brothers and sisters, the Company of Heaven, the Ascended Masters, your angels and allies, are all here with you.  Remember, there is no separation.  There may be specific topics, or questions to which different beings of light are better prepared to answer on, and they will gladly jump in, and answer you with love, and eagerness in order to help your beloved souls in the further understanding of what is happening within yourself, and around your world at this time. There is no separation dear hearts, only unity and love within all beings of light, and yes, the dark too, for all beings have angels and allies who accompany them on their journey back to source.  You have all been there at one time or another, light, as well as dark.  Unity and unconditional love brings all of us together, and this is so. As you discover within your journey throughout this present lifetime, and your ascension process, it can indeed become difficult at times when you feel emotionally, and spiritually blocked, by what you have learned, or have been programmed to accept throughout your lives in the way of illusory ideas, perceptions and ways of beings.

We encourage you to look deeply into this belief system you have acquired for there is much learning and enlightenment to be done within the mists of density and illusion. The illusion is gradually fading, and many of you are experiencing this throughout your daily lives and with the people you interact with.  Is it not fascinating to see and acknowledge within yourselves, when you realize, “I don’t react to this anymore, and it doesn’t bother me a bit?”  Situations and circumstances which at one time pushed your buttons, simply have no effect on you now.  Drama has little effect on you, and this dear hearts, is tremendous progress.  These are the internal changes we are referring too.

Your planet is changing as well.  The degree of light energies which are infiltrating your planet is indeed causing havoc in some areas of your world, and within certan individauls.  These are areas such as your middle East, and other areas of turmoil where the negative forces continue to resist, and this causes a degree of unsettlement which may seem detrimental to the divine restoration of Gaia, and to the return of peace to your world.  Let us assure you, this is not the case.

This is part of the cleansing process which so many are undergoing at this time, at different degrees, and within various levels of experience and understanding.  There are individuals who cannot hold the great amounts of light within their bodies.  It is so powerful, the negative energies within them (the abominable programing they have been subjected too) drives them mad.

Unfortunately, there are outrageous acts of violence from these individuals.  A degree of insanity yes, and your public knowledge of these acts leaves a film of despair for many who are wondering, is change really occurring?  Many ask us, how could an act, so cruel, so evil, possible occur, and why would innocent people fall victim to it? These souls who have come directly underfoot within the chaos, the victims of madness, and in a sense they are for they may not remember the agreement they made before entering this lifetime, or the experiences they chose as catalysts in the bringing together of humanity, and in the unification of love and light throughout your world, are truly the brave and most courageous of all.

We understand, this is a hard concept to grasp, and we will refrain from further discussion of this topic, for the moment.  We only mention this to you in hopes of restoring faith within yourselves, and all humanity, for there are many wonderful, phenomenal occurrences within your world, and great strides are taken everyday to ensure the light prevails, always, and it will dear hearts. It has already begun.

We ask that you pay attention to the people of Gaia as they come together during times of crisis, as one, and this is the way it should be.  We are one, in love and light.  We support one another, through all times of crisis, equally so in times of joy and happiness.  Love is what unifies you.  There is no separateness.  There never was, and in order to carry on with the spreading of love and light, we need you to believe this with all your hearts.

This is the effect of the great many catalysts who have often given their lives to remind you of this great bond of love all of humanity has for each other.  It is to instill this love within your communities, in loving union withn the hearts of all.  These brave souls are indeed glorious, as are each and every one of you dear souls.

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #11 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 3:36pm
There are those witin your own family lineages whom you remember as having had a great impact in shaping who you are today.  They too, where loving catalysts and teachers sent to you in this life time for specific lessons you were to learn, as well as you too, will be catalysts to others.

You see, we are all learning from each other. We also realize there are times when you feel closed off, stuck and perhaps at a standstill in your spiritual journey and may we remind you this is also another lesson in  itself to be learned from if you chose to do so. A most wonderful aspect of this current lifetime, and all lifetimes for that matter is, each moment is an opportunity for further growth and learning.

Each experience you chose to embark on, is a your choice which will give you further understanding to your purpose here at this time.  In feeling stuck, or as if you are not moving forward at the rate you would like to go, which in human terms is usually fast, means there is more to look at within your beautiful selves.  It’s a lull period for further introspection within your hearts which is vital for the infiltration of light into your beings, and your ascension process.

There is always more to see and understand, more to explore from within, for you are vast and endless as many of you are well aware of now.  For this reason we repeatedly encourage you to go within your hearts as often as possible, on a daily basis.  We cannot stress the importance of this dear ones.

In regards to your awakening, since our scribe has asked us to elaborate on this topic, we say, fast is not the recommended way to go.  Many we have heard, want to awaken now.  What is taking so long you ask?  Where is the evidence of change, and this glorious awakening so many have talked about?

It is here dear ones, within you.  Look, and you will see.  Feel with all your hearts and you will know.  Many of you may be experiencing heavy resurfacing issues at this time, and rightly so because they are the biggest most difficult issues at hand, and they will keep resurfacing, again and again, just as this scribe is experiencing until they are dealt with.  These issues however cumbersome, are indeed a blessing for they are the key which will unlock your freedom, and your divine truth.

You are all so close, so very close to your awakening, and some of you have already initiated the process.  Love is everywhere dear hearts.  Open your own hearts and let it in.  Let is wash away the illusions of duality, and your light will come forth in all its glory, and your truth will shine in it’s brightest form.

If you feel nothing is happening, then look at what is repeatedly circling around you in the way of drama, or issues.  What lessons keep coming back again and again?  Do they seem louder than before, are they, shall we say, in your face?  If so, these issues are screaming for your attention, and if you feel so inclined to do so, deal with them.  Focus from within your hearts, how you can truly resolve these issues, release them forever and carry on with your truth.  Dear ones, allow yourselves to rise to your greatest potential.  You are not small and insignificant as you have been led to believe.

You are creators of love and light, there is nothing you can’t accomplish, but you must believe with all your hearts, this is the truth upon all truth.  It is so. Your are grand dear ones!  We are brimming with love and happiness as our scribe writes our words to you.  She too is experiencing blocks wich have kept her from discovering her own truth.  You see, this life time is about learning, growth and sharing with others, as a community of love and light. It is a time of change, freedom, and courage.

For this reason we say to you again, forget any illusion of separateness from God, from the angels, your guides, and your star brothers and sisters.  This perhaps was the greatest illusion of all. Let it be known, it is false, and it always was.

You are all needed in active participation in the ascension of your planet, and above all it is about the retaining of your freedom, as individuals and as a collective, it’s about retaining your personal power, your truth, and the restoration of Gaia to her most pristine condition. It is a monumental task, but let it be known we are always with you.

We are the Guardians of Light, and we are doing our part too, without interfering with the free will of others.  We commend you dear brothers and sisters.  We shall speak again soon.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #12 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 4:00pm
God does not play dice.

Albert Einstein.
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Christ Light

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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #13 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 4:17pm
" Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced

that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe,

a spirit vastly superior to that of man "

Albert Einstein

" All matter originates and exists only by virtue of

a force.We must assume behind this force is an

existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.

This mind is the existence of all matter "

Max Planck The Father of Quantum Physics

1858 - 1947


I concur

and observe those in ignorance and lack

with forgiveness and

so very much love


- : )
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: Quantum Physics = Spirituality
Reply #14 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 5:05pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 19th, 2013 at 4:17pm:
" Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced

that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe,

a spirit vastly superior to that of man "

Albert Einstein

" All matter originates and exists only by virtue of

a force.We must assume behind this force is an

existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.

This mind is the existence of all matter "

Max Planck The Father of Quantum Physics

1858 - 1947


I concur

and observe those in ignorance and lack

with forgiveness and

so very much love


- : )

I think we can pretty much ignore anything Einstein said or did after 1915

And as far as Max Planck is concerned, I am not in a professional medical position to offer public comment of the state of his neurotic psychopathy
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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