The SEXUAL SLAVERY OF WOMEN is fine, if conducted by moslems.
polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 29
th, 2012 at 2:13pm:
Yadda wrote on Nov 29
th, 2012 at 1:56pm:
So, in ISLAM it is lawful to abduct women [and later have sex with them] ???
To point out the obvious (or so it would seem obvious to everyone except Yadda),
we are talking about women whose menfolk were killed during their war with the muslims.These women were enslaved by the muslims - becauseunlike most christian and virtually every other contemporary army - the muslims didn't actually put every man, woman and child to death after conquering them. Perhaps in Yadda world they should have left these widows and orphans to fend for themselves - and watch them as they starved to death.
The reality was, enslavement meant protection,and probable freedom later on.
I don't find it the least bit surprising that many of these slaves would fall in love with their masters and agree to consensual sex. Unbelievable!
gandalf, you are sick in your mind, you are mentally
gandalf, see my 'OFFER' to you at the bottom of this post.
Murder of menfolk, and the SEXUAL SLAVERY OF WOMEN is fine, if conducted by moslems.
THE ENSLAVEMENT OF WOMEN is fine, if conducted by moslems,
....coz moslems will take care of their dependent, captive, women slaves.
According to gandalf.
/sarc off
"To point out the obvious (or so it would seem obvious to everyone except Yadda), we are talking about women whose menfolk were killed during their war with the muslims."
And if you read again, the account [an excerpt] of the deeds of Mohammed and 'his companions',
from the Hadith;
Mohammed and his companions went on a raiding party.
'and took captive some excellent Arab women', 'and we desired them',
'for we were suffering from the absence of our wives',
'So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them' [i.e. have non-consensual sex with their captive 'excellent Arab women']
'(but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them.' [i.e. Mohammed's companions intended to sell/ransom their captive 'excellent Arab women' back to their menfolk]
.....the Hadith asserts that those men expected to be able to return these 'used' women [who had been
ABDUCTED and ABUSED as sex slaves] to their own men/families,
What was the offer ???
"I been smacking her 3 times a day, for the last 60 days, but you can have your wife/sister/daughter back if you want.
And i want 1,000 dinar for her.
She was very nice, and she enjoyed every moment, so i did not have to force her."
MY OFFER TO YOU, gandalf,
If this type of conduct is OK,
by you, then is it OK for me to use your mother, your sisters,
and YOURSELF, in such a way ?
Would that be OK ?
And if not, why not ?
Can i 'use' YOU too, in such a way.
You would really enjoy it.
I promise.
So i wouldn't have to rape you.
And, you may even fall in love with me, too.
And i promise that i would look after you, afterwards.
People like yourself, is the example, of why Australia is no place for a moslem, or a moslem community.