How can anyone who is non-moslem have a reasoned argument with a moslem, when moslems will always [AND INTENTIONALLY],
A moslem will portray their argument as being a moral [virtuous] argument/position, when in fact the truth is, that that very same moslem, is aware that they are mis-representing the morality of their argument [through their own use of deceit].
sophistry = = the use of fallacious arguments, especially to deceive.
SOPHISTRY EXAMPLE #1PeaceMoslem clerics [and moslem community spokesmen] have declared to the non-moslem community, that moslems want to see 'peace' cover the whole earth.
But a moslem, does not openly reveal [at the same time] that all good moslems
define 'peace', as submission to Allah's will.
Dar al-Islam = = "house of peace" [is those places where Sharia has authority].
Dar al-Harb = = "house of war".Google,
Dar al-Harb deceptioni.e.
A moslem 'peace' = = mankind's SLAVERY, under ISLAMIST political rule.
SOPHISTRY EXAMPLE #2'Terrorism'Moslem clerics [and moslem community spokesmen] have declared to the non-moslem community, that moslems condemn 'terrorism'.
But those moslem spokesmen does not reveal that
ISLAMISTS >ALSO< define non-moslems as terrorists!!
Because ISLAMISTS have defined 'terrorism' as; Resisting Allah's will.When non-moslems try to resist the ISLAMISATION of their society, or try to prevent ISLAMIST violence, good moslems have been recorded as presenting such actions [to their own moslem community] as 'oppression' and 'violence' against moslems!
"Five Sydney men jailed over terrorism plot"
"The sister for one of the convicted men said...that the sentence is
not fair to her community or religion." EXAMPLE #3Innocent peopleMoslem clerics [and moslem community spokesmen] have declared to the non-moslem community, that moslems condemn the killing of innocent people.
But the 'virtuous' moslem, does not openly reveal that [at the same time] in ISLAM, only moslems qualify as 'innocent people'.
EXAMPLES next post....
Google to find...
when we say innocent people, we mean muslims...If you are a non-muslim, then you are guilty...."
Anjem Choudary, UK muslim community leader, speaking publicly, of the London 7/7 bombing victims.
"......In public interviews Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians.
Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent: Yes I condemn killing any innocent people,
but not any [unbeliever]."
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, speaking publicly, and then privately, regarding the London 7/7 bombing victims.
"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents.
Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad,
speaking to a moslem audience, regarding the London 7/7 bombing victims.
ISLAM = deceit.a good read, outlining and exposing
ISLAMIST sophistry...
Islamic Dictionary for Infidels .
But then [moslems] will portray non-moslem resistance to moslem violence, as 'terrorism' against 'innocent' moslems ?