it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 18
th, 2012 at 7:04pm:
simply put
i bring forth information pertaining to
the subject matter
i have an interest in this for i experience
these true divine realms within all beings
do any deny this fact?
the existence of as much does not need your permission
i would suggest
be your highest expression
and pursue your highest excitement
this is not a contest, it is within you now
in every now moment without judgement
for within every now moment is the present, the gift
expect miracles
for life is a my recall
blessings unto all hearts
I cannot deny any of it, Light. You speak the absolute truth.
But if so, why should you care if I’m a Freemason? Why spend the End Days dividing these dear ones into sheep and goats?
You have enough knowledge to understand what life is all about.
It would be good if you tempered this with real love, and not pretense, not egotistical trickery.
I am not a Freemason, nor a Jew or Muslim or any other human you may feel inclined to hate for its own sake.
The real enemy is within, and it defeats us day after day after day.
It would be nice if there was an end to these days, but I bet life goes on after Friday. Even if the world ends, there will be no End of Days.
You may deny it if you wish, but any transformation will only occur in your own actions and words, and not the world itself.
The real world is within.
3 days to go.