Should they take an umbrella with them? Should they prepare for demonic war and the final battle between the forces of darkness and Light?
Please explain the DP to these brother beings.
all will interpret these events
on an individual basis and pretext being,
your experienced reality
so far...
do any deny this fact?
it is so
you being on this planet are subject unto this biosphere
do any deny this either then ether?
and so it is yet further still subject to your star
your sol which projects
solar electric energy transmuted from
the galactic central sun toward this biosphere
in which you do reside
quite a trip indeed within a certain cycle completed
so be it
Thanks, Light. So you’re saying the sun will continue to transmit its energy to us on the 21st?
I am very, very relieved.
I’ll leave the umbrella at home.
It sounds like all is in accordance with the DP. As usual.
I’m comforted.