Pleiadian Delegate "Vision of Beauty" Frequency Transmission
Published on Dec 21, 2012
The Pleiadian Delegate "Vision of Beauty" Frequency Transmission is a Commissioned Transmission from the Central Sun.
This Dispensation Aligns you with The Galactic Alignments and Awakens The Codes of Light within Your Original Blueprint; within your Cellular Consciousness and DNA for The Awakening of the Vision of Beauty within your Reality. This Permeates your Being as You Walk into the Now New Era of Light, You carry with you the Vision of Beauty.
The Vision of Beauty is held in Unconditional Love. Every Breath is Sacred. The Beauty and Ecstasy of Source is Everywhere.
As your Cellular Consciousness Vibrates to this Dispensation You embody the Vision of Beauty. Your Reality Shifts with Ease and Grace.
The Universe is Held and encompassed in the Vision of Beauty in the Now New Era of Light.
This is a commissioned Dispensation for Humanity, from The Central Sun Through The Queen of Light.
This is for YOU, The New Human of Light, Merging Now with Your Soul, into the New Era of Light. Divine Union.
There is nothing you need to do, Simply Receive the Frequencies of this Transmission. Your DNA and Cellular Consciousness will be bathed in Frequencies of Light through this Transmission of Grace.
From the Central Sun, Through The Divine Feminine; Queen of Light, you Receive the Grace of this Dispensation for you and for your Alchemical Transfiguration to Light.
You are The New Human of Light and You are Now Entering The New Era of Light.
Holding you in Divine Sacred Love, Union, and Harmony,
The Queen of Light.