it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 31
st, 2012 at 2:35pm:
Karnal wrote on Dec 31
st, 2012 at 2:05pm:
Actually, you're mistaken there. Freud pioneered the talking cures. If psychiatry had stuck with psychoanalysis, psychiatrists would still have the couch instead of the script pad.
you display disorder with your twisting written truth..
envy, superiority complex ( this is ego based )
which really has no standing for you simply repeat..
this is forgiven,
Light -who coined the word "ego"?
Your post is a classic case of projection, methinks.
Freud didn't invent medication, he invented psychoanalysis. Denied?
It would seem you have an issue with Freud. Such transference is ego driven yes, but a manifestation of unconscious forces at work. Don't worry though - where there was id, there shall ego be.
A little knowledge goes a long way, but the key is to know thyself.
If I'm not mistaken, you believe Freud was some sort of Jewish Freemasonic repilian Satanist.
Forgive and forget, eh? Look within and know thyself.
Freewill, you see?