High Council of Orion | Ascension Message - December 18, 2012
Published on Dec 19, 2012
High Council of Orion channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
The twenty eighth of 30 channeled messages leading up to 21st of December 2012.
Image credit: Galactic Core by Miika Ahvenjärvi
“Greeting Dear Ones.
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today we would like to talk about the potential that many of you are aware about and those are the planetary changes.
For those of you who are following that information stream about the potentials within and on and around the planet, we ask you to take all of it with a “large grain of salt.” The reason we say this is that there is much information out there that has intentionally been placed in the field to confuse and induce a level of fear, and fear as you know creates constriction, and fear is not the place of heart-centered living.
Our message is about looking forward to a place and time and a world where living from the Heart is the truth. So our messages are bringing that future reality, in little bits and pieces, into your consciousness, your awareness and your potential right now. Remembering that your Soul is the guiding force for your physical body, your physical incarnation to be on the planet at this time, means that you are in exactly the right place, at the right time. Truth be told is you have a choice every single day to honor your Soul’s choice and embrace the geography where your physical body is. No one is anywhere on the planet by accident. Even if in your logical mind you would say “I have no idea why I’m here!”, “I got stranded at an airport and decided to stay”, “I moved across country or across the world to take care of parents.” Whatever it might be there’s no accident and your Soul assisted in arranging circumstances for you to be exactly in the right place at the right time.
So what does this mean with regard to planetary changes? Is there are a very large potential that the planet as you have known it in your lifetime will shift and change? Yes.But you have already been seeing that. You’ve already been seeing that with an increase in earthquake activity, tsunamis, very strong storms that have done massive destruction. Those are evidence already of planetary changes. Yes, there will be more.
What we’re asking is that you not spend a lot of time worrying about “What if’s”, for you live on a dynamic, living, breathing being, despite your experience of it as being solid and immovable. There is no one path of exactly what’s going to happen; there are just potential paths. So if you are moving to a place of fear because you have listened to one person, or one point of view about death and destruction, and melting crust and moving water, and all these things do have the potential to happen, and it brings you a lot of fear (which would be understandable). What we ask you to do is trust that your Soul is in the right place, at the right time, and that your Soul is infinite. Your Soul is incorruptible. Your Soul is what’s guided you through the many, many, many, many lifetimes you have had and it will continue to do so!
That is the guiding and the driving force in your life. Living in a place that you are connected to your Soul, through your Heart, and really starting to live in connection with your Heart and Soul, allows some of that fear and worry and concern to fall away. For you have the potential to be at peace in these moments of uncertainty. We ask you to begin to apply what we’ve been teaching you to the go within, find those Heart-centered moments in your life when you’re feeling worried and concerned about outcomes that are not “givens”, they’re not “knowns.”
Living from a place of being in that communion with your Soul allows you the peace of mind and the freedom from worry about what will happen, and it can bring you into a place of trusting that you will know what to do at the right time. You will know and understand why you are in a particular place at a particular time.
Is it likely that the poles will be shifting? Yes. You know how we know that? It’s happened over and over and over and over again! Your scientists know this. They have the evidence for it. So it is known that on a regular basis the poles shift. From a scientific point of view this comes as no surprise, and if it’s a surprise to the humans on the planet it’s just because they haven’t been tuned in to that level of scientific information. It’s just something that happens. Just like the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, the polls shift on a cycle well.
Does it create planetary changes? Yes. Many of you will be aware of the right place to go, the right place to be and will just decide to take a vacation or move to a particular place “just because”, to help your Soul fulfill its destiny and its mission here on the planet. For some of you those planetary changes are a point where your Soul says “Yeah, we were never intended to stay longer than this. It’s time to move on.” From a Soul’s point of view that’s a beautiful thing. From a Soul’s point of view that is the path that’s always been set.