i certainly will id bobby,
i have answered many questions already yes
validated and gratitude displayed by you for the service
and now i shall answer yet again
once you interpret these facts before you now
as the explanation of biospheric cell division is delivered..
Dolores Cannon 5D Earth is Here!
Published on Mar 31, 2012
Connect with your Soul Group or find your Soulmate at in5d Connection http://www.in5d.net/ EVERYONE is welcome!
Article: http://www.in5d.com/dolores-cannon-5d-earth-is-here.html
The crew at Time Monk Radio interviewed past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, who spoke about the changing energies, the New Earth and signs of the New Earth, who will get left behind on 3D Earth, physical symptoms of ascension, becoming a Light Body, what happens to people who get left behind, removing karma, duality on the New Earth, gridlines, timelines and points of convergence, Nostradamus, free will, moving into 5D Earth, why we're skipping the 4th dimension, the waves of volunteer souls, earth changes, the overlapping of 3D and 5D, the sun's relationship with the earth and whether or not the afterlife is a form of the 5th dimension.
Time Monk Radio: http://timemonkradio.com/
Science & Technology
be at peace