432Hz Root Chakra vibrational Balancing + Binaural
Basic Support Chakra (Root Chakra) also known as Muladhara.
This is the first of a new series of videos dedicated to the Chakra Balancing.
Seven videos (one for each chakra) using modern sounds tuned at 432Hz, a frequency believed to be very beneficial for balancing and healing. Check the links below for more informations about the 432Hz.
Indications about the use: just sit comfortable, play the video and while relaxing bring the focus to the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum-it.
NOTE: The Audio is tuned at 432Hz but contains a binaural beat (about 8Hz frequency) which "puzzle" the 432Hz frequency. If you misure the frequency with a tuner, it will perceive a random 440Hz but your brain and your body receive 2 different and separate waves: 432+binaural.
Muladhara meaning "root place," is the first of the main seven chakras according to Hindu Tantrism. It may be represented by the color red, although its root square form is usually yellow. Muladhara is said to be located near the basal end of the spinal in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrumit, while its kshetram, or superficial activation point, is located on the perineum.
432Hz Genital Chakra vibrational Balancing + Binaural
Genital Chakra (Sex Chakra) also known as Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
This is the 2nd of a new series of videos dedicated to the Chakra Balancing.
Seven videos (one for each chakra) using modern sounds tuned at 432Hz, a frequency believed to be very beneficial for balancing and healing. Check the links below for more informations about the 432Hz.
The key issues involving Swadisthana are relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure. Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm.
Indications about the use: just sit comfortable, play the video and while relaxing bring the focus to the sacrum (hence the name) and to the testes or the ovaries. Best with headphones, moderate volume.
NOTE: The Audio is tuned at 432Hz but contains a binaural beat (about 8Hz frequency) which "puzzle" the 432Hz frequency. If you misure the frequency with a tuner, it will perceive a random 440Hz but your brain and your body receive 2 different and separate waves: 432+binaural.
Chakra 3 Solar Plexus - Manipura Chakra, Fire, Ego,Yellow Visualization
Manipura is located at the spine directly behind either the navel or the solar plexus, depending on the system, while its kshetram or superficial activation point is located directly on the navel (or solar plexus).
Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpower and achievement (Itcha shakti.), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. It is also associated with the sense of sight, and the action of movement. Manipura is "the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being."[1] As such, some psychics recommend "listening" to it since it may help in making better decisions in one's life on many different levels.
Chakra 4 - Anahata,The Heart Chakra, Green Visualization (Meditation,Yog
Anahata Chakra 4 is related to the thymus,located in the chest. The thymus is an element of the immune system as well as being part of the endocrine system. It is the site of maturation of the T cells responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely affected by stress. . Anahata is related to the colours green
Chakra 5 - Vishuddha, The Throat Chakra, Blue Visualization
The Throat Chakra is associated with the color sky blue. This chakra is our will center.
Chakra 6 - Ajna, Brow, The Third Eye Chakra, Violet Visualization
The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance precognition, and out-of-body experiences.
Chakra 7 Crown - Sahasrara, The 1000 petalled lotus, Ultraviolet Visualizatio
Sahasrara, the chakra of pure consciousness. Symbolized by a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals, it is located either at the crown of the head, or above the crown of the head. Sahasrara is represented by the colour white/ultraviolet and it involves such issues as inner wisdom and the death of the body.