Notice then that if you continue for many minutes that you feel drained of energy - tired -
while the cat or dog seems to be quite happy & enjoying the "pat".
Could it be that the animal has drained your energy?
Are animals able to tap into this energy - or chakkra - better than we can?
and so it is
this is an exchange of energy yes
the cat whom cannot talk in human speak is
quite fluent in these metaphysical energies
as are all animals sentient and all beings
nature spirits/expressions of energy
to certain extents that which is needed for the
human being that is aware and has expanded his/her
abilities innate within all yes un-tampered,maimed
spleen taken out or thyroid disabling the harmonic
and naturally occurring conduit of energy known as
your endocrine/chakra/glandular system and spine
spinal fluid activational process through meditation
and focused intent to shift from neutral
to action/actualize manifest thought toward
an outcome which is
for the good of all
will protect the self and auric field of energy being taken
ie: ungranted liberty
with so very much love
or watch cricket an footy
freewill you see? at peace
You see everyone.
as his actual experimental outcome is of great interest to me.
It maybe that not all of us will notice this effect but I have experienced the above
for over 40 years as though I always knew about it.
a patient would tire her to no end - making a normal 8 hour working day impossible.
Even other humans absorb chakra energy - it seems to flow from the well to the sick.
and so it is.