Emma wrote on Dec 31
st, 2012 at 9:13pm:
Just can't seem to understand why the words Refugees, boat people... keep bringing up the same old flotsam and jetsam... you know

Soren ... Yadda.... Soren....Yadda.....Soren.....Yadda....
who seem to think the word refugee = evil Muslim extremist.... makes ya wonder yeah??
There is no such thing as a 'moslem extremist'.
'A moslem', is a sufficient term.
refugee = = a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.A FEW Q's...If a moslem refugee needs to leave their country and find sanctuary,
why does a moslem refugee need to travel half way around the world to find sanctuary ?
Why so, when there are many other moslem countries [Dar al-Islam - - 'The land(s) of Peace'] surrounding his country of origin ?
Why are moslem countries so unattractive to moslems, as places of sanctuary ?
Are moslem host countries so inhospitable to their fellow moslems ?
Why are moslem refugees unwelcome in potential moslem host countries ?
And why are infidel jurisdiction countries so attractive to moslems ? [....when moslems universally declare that infidel jurisdictions are places of injustice, which they, moslems, claim that they despise ?]
And why does a moslem who has found sanctuary in another moslem country [e.g. Indonesia] need to leave that country, illegally ?
Moslem 'refugees' are patently, not coming to countries like Australia, because they need to seek refuge and sanctuary.
Patently not, because moslem refugees never travel, to Australia [and other 1st world countries], directly from their home country, but moslems always travel through a number of 3rd countries, before eventually embarking for Australian shores.
In some cases moslems will spend years, living within a 3rd country, and then leave that sanctuary, to travel to an infidel jurisdiction country.
Moslem 'refugees' are self declared
moslems [i.e. they are people who have chosen to maintain their 'embrace' of a dangerous and violent philosophy, not unlike Nazism. Google; similarity between islam and nazism]
The truth is that ISLAM is an evil philosophy, which, imo, creates a mental pathology [a 'sickness'] in the psyche of those human beings who
choose to embrace it. [n.b. moslems still have the 'wit' seek to escape the injustice and violence which ISLAM produces,
but, after they escape its clutches, moslems cannot find it in themselves to renounce ISLAM. Isaiah 26:10]
And no moslem who deeply embraces ISLAM can recognise or will acknowledge that truth - that ISLAM produces a mental pathology in the human psyche.
IMO, such people, i.e.
'unrepentant' moslems, should not be accepted as 'refugees' into countries like Australia.