adelcrow wrote on Dec 27
th, 2012 at 8:07pm:
Don't panic Adel..
In any movement, group or whatever you want to call it, there are 3 main types:
A) Knowledgeable ones: They've look at the evidence on both sides and decided that one side is more likely correct.
B) Followers: They've joined one side because their friends/family did or because they believe the spokespeople, basic peer-pressure types.
C) Fanatics: Basic 'band-wagon jumpers', they don't really believe in the subject, but it gives them a convenient vehicle to pursue their real agenda..
In terms of ACC skeptics, the hard core religious fundamentalists are definitely type C......the only reason they challenge climate science is in the hopes of discrediting ALL science, mostly Evolution theory....Just ignore them, most skeptics do.
In the pro-AGW camp, the type C's are in it because of a hatred of modern society and Industrialization, and think humans would be better off in a simpler, more agrarian lifestyle....without really understanding what that means in terms of health, life span and living conditions. The Utopia they think it will be doesn't exist.
From looking around this forum, both sides of the AGW debate have a good cross section of all three types..