Amadd wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2013 at 9:37pm:
Quote:Imposing form on the chaos of passions one is, is a very esoteric endeavour. Marshalling all the wayward drives, passions, instincts, and desires one has and forging them into an ideal is for the very few.
Very few indeed.
Every last one of us is defeated by our nature, to some degree.
We are all [to some degree] defeated by our passions, and by [our 'love' of] 'the world'.
It could be said that;
Though [in this life] we may come to possess many things, it is our possessions which possess us [...and make us the slaves].
And yet, in the wider measure of the struggle against our baser nature, we find that the expression of the measure of that 'struggle' is surely another normal distribution curve.
most of us give up 'the struggle', but some of us continue to seek to improve ourselves -
against our nature.
but after our 'surrender', most of us do not spend a single moment to consider the implications [upon us] of our 'bondage'.
A normal distribution curve
We are all defeated by our 'care', for what the temporal world can 'give' us.
But imo,
to be aware that we are defeated by the world, can be regarded in itself as a small personal victory.
Our love of the temporal, is a vanity [i.e. foolishness].
To come to that knowledge is at least something, imo.
temporal = =
1 of or relating to time.
2 relating to worldly affairs; secular.