Lets look at the section DNA quote and dissect it - especially the part of the sentence that he/she didn't highlight for fear it supports my position
Quote:10. In relation to Article 31(1):
(c) Article 31(1) was intended to apply, and has been interpreted to apply, to persons who have briefly transited other countries or who are unable to find effective protection in the first country or countries to which they flee. The drafters only intended that immunity from penalty should not apply to refugees who found asylum, or who were settled, temporarily or permanently, in another country. The mere fact of UNHCR being operational in a certain country should not be used as a decisive argument for the availability of effective protection in that country.
There are over 10 countries between Iran/Afghanistan and Australia that signed up to the UN Refugee Convention
It's shorter to get to Europe than to Australia
So you are telling us that they couldn't find "effective protection" in ANY of those countries and Australia was the ONLY one
So what is "effective protection" - effective protection from the persecution they were fleeing.
So you are telling us that out of all the countries that signed the UN Convention they that was closer than Australia that they could not find effective protection?
These people are country shopping