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Embarrassment for the climate alarmists (Read 16013 times)
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #165 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:52pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:42pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
Climate change can also cause extreme weather conditions -
sometimes an area can get colder.

Yes, of course.  Climate change.  The change can be warming or cooling.  Nobody would argue with that.

However, the 'W' in AGW stands for 'warming', not 'change'.

The AGW alarmists twist their words to suit their"argument".

Pathetic bunch.

With all due respect you don't know about the Gulf steam.

With all due respect, it makes no difference to my last post.

The terms AGW and climate change are not interchangeable.  AGW alarmists think they are.  This is my point.

Yes Greggery.  The terms AGW and climate change are not interchangeable.  Who says they are?
You are making things up again.

The planet is warming.  That is beyond doubt.  THat is called GLOBAL WARMING.  The major driver of it at the moment is the impact of the dramatic increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere - mainly from anthropogenic sources. 

The warming of the atmosphere causes a change to climate because there is more heat energy in the atmosphere impacting upon climate patterns.  THis is called CLIMATE CHANGE. 

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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #166 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:17pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
Yes Greggery.  The terms AGW and climate change are not interchangeable.  Who says they are?

Many of your fellow AGW alarmists use the terms as if they were interchangeable.  If you don't know that you're even sillier than I thought.

rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The planet is warming.  That is beyond doubt. 

Incorrect: it is not beyond doubt.  It might be warming - sure; it might be cooling.  Saying it's "beyond doubt" is just a lie.

rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The major driver of it at the moment is the impact of the dramatic increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere - mainly from anthropogenic sources. 

Incorrect again.  That is merely the currently accepted hypothesis.  You really should stop telling lies.
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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:27pm by greggerypeccary »  
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #167 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:17pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
Yes Greggery.  The terms AGW and climate change are not interchangeable.  Who says they are?

Many of your fellow AGW alarmists use the terms as if they were interchangeable.  If you don't know that you're even sillier than I thought.


Name them Greggery.  Give an example

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:17pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The planet is warming.  That is beyond doubt. 

Incorrect: it is not beyond doubt.  It might be warming - sure; it might be cooling.  Saying it's "beyond doubt" is just a lie.

No Greggery.

It is beyond doubt.

The current decade is warmer than the previous decade.
The previous decade was warmer than the one before it
The 12 warmest years ever recorded have occurred in the past 16 years


Add to that, sea levels are rising.  This has been measured.
The arctic ice cap is shrinking.  This has been measured.
Global glacial mass balance is decreasing.  This has been measured.
These things are the results of a warming earth.

“For the first time, and in a single compelling comparison, the analysis brings together multiple observational records from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the ocean,” said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “The records come from many institutions worldwide. They use data collected from diverse sources, including satellites, weather balloons, weather stations, ships, buoys and field surveys. These independently produced lines of evidence all point to the same conclusion: our planet is warming,

The earth is warming  This is beyond doubt.

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:17pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The major driver of it at the moment is the impact of the dramatic increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere - mainly from anthropogenic sources. 

Incorrect again.  That is merely the currently accepted hypothesis.  You really should stop telling lies.

No.  Not incorrect Greggery.  THis is the currently accepted theory.  Accepted by the vast majority of the world's scientific and academic bodies.

if you have an alternative hypothesis that proves it is wrong - we would love to hear it.  But until that alternative hypothesis comes along - then the current accepted theory is NOT incorrect.

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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #168 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 3:04pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm:
No Greggery.

It is beyond doubt.

No, it is not beyond doubt.  Your failure to understand this is quite disturbing.

The world may indeed be warming but it is not, my dear friend, beyond doubt.

Moreover, it is not beyond doubt that humans are to blame.

I know they have you very frightened, but you can do better than this Bunny Boy.
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #169 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 3:20pm
Maqqa wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:19pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:35pm:
The world has gotten colder on the East Coast of China:

Temperatures in China have plunged to their lowest in almost three decades,
cold enough to freeze coastal waters and trap 1,000 ships in ice, official media said at the weekend.

Since late November the country has shivered at an average of minus 3.8 degrees Celsius - 1.3 degrees colder than the previous average, and the chilliest in 28 years, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday, citing the China Meteorological Administration.

Bitter cold has even frozen the sea in Laizhou Bay on the coast of Shandong province in the east, stranding nearly 1,000 ships, the China Daily newspaper reported.

STOP IT bobby

according to the leftards

the water is freezing because the world is heating up

they are now saying that you no longer need a freezer to make ice

just heat water up and it should freeze

It seems YOUR lack of understanding is on a par with Longy!!!

perceptions_now wrote on Jan 5th, 2013 at 8:13pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 5th, 2013 at 6:39pm:

another goody. hysterics predict that snow will be a thig of the past and voila...


it is of course global warming right?
everything is nowadays

It would really help, IF you caught up on the 1st of the 3 R's - Reading!!!

1) It is Climate Change, NOT Global Warming!
And, there are reasons for the "Climate Change" name.

2) Climate scientists are NOT simply saying that everywhere & all times, will be warmer.
In fact, IF you did some reading, you would discover that some areas will have more rain events, some will have more snow events, some will have more heat, BUT across the entire planet, IT WILL BE WARMER, but that heat will have other effects, in addition to just heat.

Extreme Wet
A warmer climate spurs the evaporation of water from land and sea and allows the atmosphere to hold more moisture—thus setting the stage for more extreme precipitation.

Extreme precipitation is likely when a storm passes through a warmer atmosphere holding more water. In warmer months, it takes the form of torrential rainstorms; in winter, blizzards are more likely.

Whether precipitation falls as rain or snow, these extremes can heighten the risk of flood, and cause economic and social disruptions for communities unprepared to cope.

Wet places tend to get wetter. Atmospheric circulation over oceans, plains, and mountains helps determine where rainforests thrive and semi-arid regions develop. However, wet places tend to get wetter and dry places dryer in a warming world—as is already occurring today. Places now wetter than the historical average include Northern Europe, eastern North and South America, and northern and central Asia.

Yet even as rainfall occurs in heavier events, the periods between these extremes are likely to become longer, warmer, and drier. Scientists expect these trends to intensify if our carbon emissions continue unabated.

Link -
Enjoy your reading, Longy?

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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #170 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 3:21pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm:
The earth is warming  This is beyond doubt.

Sorry chum: it's not beyond doubt.

"Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling"

Now, before you get up on your high horse Bunny Boy I'm not saying that this article is correct.  It could quite possibly be complete crap.  However, it demonstrates that doubt does indeed exist.  Thus, your claim of "beyond doubt" is total nonsense.

If you want to keep pushing your AGW alarmist agenda you'll need to use the correct terms and phrases. Until then, it's very hard to take you seriously.

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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #171 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:07pm
The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:30pm:
Despite substantial uncertainties, especially for the period prior to 1600 when data are scarce, the warmest period of the last 2,000 years prior to the 20th century very likely occurred between 950 and 1100, but temperatures were probably between 0.1 °C and 0.2 °C below the 1961 to 1990 mean and significantly below the level shown by instrumental data after 1980. The heterogeneous nature of climate during the Medieval Warm Period is illustrated by the wide spread of values exhibited by the individual records.[11] Warmth in some regions appears to have matched or exceeded recent levels of warmth in these regions, but globally the Medieval Warm Period was cooler than recent global temperatures.[8]

As I've said all along Long, the MWP was regional

[stifles laughter] you quote from a self-edited peice on wikipedia????  EPIC FAIL:
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #172 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:08pm
The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:25pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
MOTR wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:06am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 5th, 2013 at 6:25pm:
an impressive list of names at the end of that letter.

That was the intent, goldie. I guess you can tell us the collective amount of time these particular gentlemen have spent researching climate science. Perhaps you could link us to their most influential papers.

good grief MOTR... has your critical reasoning thrown a piston or something??? do you think that a professor of climatology might not have published a paper on the topic? Or perhaps the head of climate research at the federal govt might somewhere written something?

and you have inadvertently proven my point. it is not about the science per se but about the integrity, intelligence and ethics of the AGW alarmists/hysterics. to question the credentials, experience and integrity of this group of very respected scientists casts a long shadow over yourself. But do not feel picked on. You are in good company. You hysterics do it all the time. You question, criticise and ridicule ANYONE - absolutely anyone - who dares question the orthodoxy. Nobel prize winner? your opinion doesnt matter.

its a really bad look.

Longy I think that it is your critical reasoning that has thrown a piston. You have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. I'm sure the group of "respected scientists" are very knowledgeable in their field of expertise  . Climate research is not their field of expertise however so why should their opinion carry any more weight than yours or mine? Why should a Nobel Prize winners opinion carry any weight if it was won in an unrelated field?

It is however good that you have admitted that it is 'not about the science per se' because in the end that is all that global warming is about. Its just a shame that it has been turned into a political football by people such as you and Progs for your own political agendas.

oldest trick in the book? Did you see the list of scientists in the WSJ article? Proessor of Climateology, Professore of Atmospheric Physics etc... tell me again how they are not climate scientists??
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #173 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:10pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:23pm:
Maqqa wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:19pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:35pm:
The world has gotten colder on the East Coast of China:

Temperatures in China have plunged to their lowest in almost three decades,
cold enough to freeze coastal waters and trap 1,000 ships in ice, official media said at the weekend.

Since late November the country has shivered at an average of minus 3.8 degrees Celsius - 1.3 degrees colder than the previous average, and the chilliest in 28 years, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday, citing the China Meteorological Administration.

Bitter cold has even frozen the sea in Laizhou Bay on the coast of Shandong province in the east, stranding nearly 1,000 ships, the China Daily newspaper reported.

STOP IT bobby

according to the leftards

the water is freezing because the world is heating up

they are now saying that you no longer need a freezer to make ice

just heat water up and it should freeze

According to the AGW alarmists, not lefties.

I'm a (far) lefty and I think these AGW alarmists are borderline retards.  Please don't associate me with them   Wink

a reasonable request. I think the problem is that ACC does seem to be a mostly left-wing ideology.
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #174 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:11pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:42pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:29pm:
Climate change can also cause extreme weather conditions -
sometimes an area can get colder.

Yes, of course.  Climate change.  The change can be warming or cooling.  Nobody would argue with that.

However, the 'W' in AGW stands for 'warming', not 'change'.

The AGW alarmists twist their words to suit their"argument".

Pathetic bunch.

With all due respect you don't know about the Gulf steam.

and reading abotu it in a book doesnt make you an expert either. In fact, you seem to have seen the movie The Day After and think it is anything but highly entertaining twaddle.
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #175 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:12pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm:
Do I have to spell it out for the 100th time?

I suppose so:

The fresh water melting from Greenland can cause the Gulf stream to stop.
This is caused by global warming.

If the Gulf stream stops Europe will be plunged into a mini-ice age.

Do you understand now?


good grief... straight from a MOVIE PLOT!
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #176 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:16pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:59pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:19pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 9:08am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
MOTR wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:06am:
[quote author=gold_medal link=1356751940/139#139 date=1357374315]an impressive list of names at the end of that letter.

That was the intent, goldie. I guess you can tell us the collective amount of time these particular gentlemen have spent researching climate science. Perhaps you could link us to their most influential papers.

gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
good grief MOTR... has your critical reasoning thrown a piston or something??? do you think that a professor of climatology might not have published a paper on the topic? Or perhaps the head of climate research at the federal govt might somewhere written something?

You would think.  But where is the "professor of climatology" on that list?  They all seem to be NASA engineers or astronauts.

So can you please answer the question that was asked of you?  Can tell us the collective amount of time these particular gentlemen have spent researching climate science. Perhaps you could link us to their most influential papers

gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
and you have inadvertently proven my point. it is not about the science per se but about the integrity, intelligence and ethics of the AGW alarmists/hysterics. to question the credentials, experience and integrity of this group of very respected scientists casts a long shadow over yourself. But do not feel picked on. You are in good company. You hysterics do it all the time. You question, criticise and ridicule ANYONE - absolutely anyone - who dares question the orthodoxy. Nobel prize winner? your opinion doesnt matter.

its a really bad look.

So why do you tell lies?

That is not a good look either is it.  You cannot make a valid argument - so you tell lies.  ANd when accusations of lying are brought up - you try to change the subject.

We are still waiting for you to explain to us why you are incapable of making an arguement without resorting to telling lies?

Why did you lie about the decrease of glacial mass balance?

And we are still waiting for you to explain why you think the earth has not warmed for 16 years - when the hottest year ever recorded was only 3 years ago.

And why did you claim that the MWP was 3-4 degrees warmer globally than today?  Not that that statement is relevant to the discussion in any way - but I am curious...Any evidence to support that?  Or just another lie?

How about some answers before you post more letters from astronauts?

well since you dont like my claim about the MWP then you go ahead and tell me about it. But remember your temperature increase has to cater for melting the ice around greenland's north. or you could just say that all the history of that period is bogus.

We are still waiting for you to explain to us why you are incapable of making an arguement without resorting to telling lies?

Why did you lie about the decrease of glacial mass balance?

And we are still waiting for you to explain why you think the earth has not warmed for 16 years - when the hottest year ever recorded was only 3 years ago.

And why did you claim that the MWP was 3-4 degrees warmer globally than today?  Not that that statement is relevant to the discussion in any way - but I am curious...Any evidence to support that?  Or just another lie?

THere is very little evidence to suggest that the MWP was warmer than to today globally:
Despite clear evidence for Medieval warmth greater than present in some individual records, the new hemispheric composite supports the principal conclusion of earlier hemispheric reconstructions and, furthermore, indicates that maximum Medieval warmth was restricted to two-three 20–30 year intervals, with composite values during these times being only comparable to the mid-20 th century warm time interval. Failure to substantiate hemispheric warmth greater than the present consistently occurs in composites because there are significant offsets in timing of warmth in different regions; ignoring these offsets can lead to serious errors concerning inferences about the magnitude of Medieval warmth and its relevance to interpretation of late 20 th century warming.

Not that this is in any way relevant to the discussion - but it is curios that you feel the need to tell further lies with respect to it.

Why do you tell lies like that?

you loons really shoudl get your lies stories straight before telling them. First you say the MWP didnt occur at all and then when forced to admit it dd happen you say it was less than today even though Greenlands north was free of ice then. And best of all it was 'regional' meaning it only occured where there was recorded history to confirm it. Because that's likely right? it only occured in places where it cant be denied??

todays warming is global yet yesterdays warming was regional???  rather convenient, wouldnt you say?
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #177 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:25pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm:
The earth is warming  This is beyond doubt.

Sorry chum: it's not beyond doubt.

"Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling"

Now, before you get up on your high horse Bunny Boy I'm not saying that this article is correct.  It could quite possibly be complete crap.  However, it demonstrates that doubt does indeed exist.  Thus, your claim of "beyond doubt" is total nonsense.

If you want to keep pushing your AGW alarmist agenda you'll need to use the correct terms and phrases. Until then, it's very hard to take you seriously.

that's a great article. but of course MOTR and co will say the predictable such as 'they are not climate scientist' (they are) and 'where are their peer-reviewed papers' and other such drivel.
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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #178 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 5:11pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:17pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
Yes Greggery.  The terms AGW and climate change are not interchangeable.  Who says they are?

Many of your fellow AGW alarmists use the terms as if they were interchangeable.  If you don't know that you're even sillier than I thought.

rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The planet is warming.  That is beyond doubt. 

Incorrect: it is not beyond doubt.  It might be warming - sure; it might be cooling.  Saying it's "beyond doubt" is just a lie.

rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
The major driver of it at the moment is the impact of the dramatic increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere - mainly from anthropogenic sources. 

Incorrect again.  That is merely the currently accepted hypothesis.  You really should stop telling lies.

Mate, it's beyond doubt!

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

'Heat Content' is the correct term. Temperature is an indicator of the 'heat content' of a system!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

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Re: Embarrassment for the climate alarmists
Reply #179 - Jan 6th, 2013 at 5:13pm
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:16pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 1:59pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 12:19pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 9:08am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
MOTR wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 4:06am:
[quote author=gold_medal link=1356751940/139#139 date=1357374315]an impressive list of names at the end of that letter.

That was the intent, goldie. I guess you can tell us the collective amount of time these particular gentlemen have spent researching climate science. Perhaps you could link us to their most influential papers.

gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
good grief MOTR... has your critical reasoning thrown a piston or something??? do you think that a professor of climatology might not have published a paper on the topic? Or perhaps the head of climate research at the federal govt might somewhere written something?

You would think.  But where is the "professor of climatology" on that list?  They all seem to be NASA engineers or astronauts.

So can you please answer the question that was asked of you?  Can tell us the collective amount of time these particular gentlemen have spent researching climate science. Perhaps you could link us to their most influential papers

gold_medal wrote on Jan 6th, 2013 at 7:59am:
and you have inadvertently proven my point. it is not about the science per se but about the integrity, intelligence and ethics of the AGW alarmists/hysterics. to question the credentials, experience and integrity of this group of very respected scientists casts a long shadow over yourself. But do not feel picked on. You are in good company. You hysterics do it all the time. You question, criticise and ridicule ANYONE - absolutely anyone - who dares question the orthodoxy. Nobel prize winner? your opinion doesnt matter.

its a really bad look.

So why do you tell lies?

That is not a good look either is it.  You cannot make a valid argument - so you tell lies.  ANd when accusations of lying are brought up - you try to change the subject.

We are still waiting for you to explain to us why you are incapable of making an arguement without resorting to telling lies?

Why did you lie about the decrease of glacial mass balance?

And we are still waiting for you to explain why you think the earth has not warmed for 16 years - when the hottest year ever recorded was only 3 years ago.

And why did you claim that the MWP was 3-4 degrees warmer globally than today?  Not that that statement is relevant to the discussion in any way - but I am curious...Any evidence to support that?  Or just another lie?

How about some answers before you post more letters from astronauts?

well since you dont like my claim about the MWP then you go ahead and tell me about it. But remember your temperature increase has to cater for melting the ice around greenland's north. or you could just say that all the history of that period is bogus.

We are still waiting for you to explain to us why you are incapable of making an arguement without resorting to telling lies?

Why did you lie about the decrease of glacial mass balance?

And we are still waiting for you to explain why you think the earth has not warmed for 16 years - when the hottest year ever recorded was only 3 years ago.

And why did you claim that the MWP was 3-4 degrees warmer globally than today?  Not that that statement is relevant to the discussion in any way - but I am curious...Any evidence to support that?  Or just another lie?

THere is very little evidence to suggest that the MWP was warmer than to today globally:
Despite clear evidence for Medieval warmth greater than present in some individual records, the new hemispheric composite supports the principal conclusion of earlier hemispheric reconstructions and, furthermore, indicates that maximum Medieval warmth was restricted to two-three 20–30 year intervals, with composite values during these times being only comparable to the mid-20 th century warm time interval. Failure to substantiate hemispheric warmth greater than the present consistently occurs in composites because there are significant offsets in timing of warmth in different regions; ignoring these offsets can lead to serious errors concerning inferences about the magnitude of Medieval warmth and its relevance to interpretation of late 20 th century warming.

Not that this is in any way relevant to the discussion - but it is curios that you feel the need to tell further lies with respect to it.

Why do you tell lies like that?

you loons really shoudl get your lies stories straight before telling them. First you say the MWP didnt occur at all and then when forced to admit it dd happen you say it was less than today even though Greenlands north was free of ice then. And best of all it was 'regional' meaning it only occured where there was recorded history to confirm it. Because that's likely right? it only occured in places where it cant be denied??

todays warming is global yet yesterdays warming was regional???  rather convenient, wouldnt you say?

Lol, judge jury and executioner!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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