Swagman wrote on Dec 30
th, 2012 at 3:05pm:
Quote:Do High Income Earners Pay Enough Tax,
The answer to this question is that they pay far more than a fair share.
25% of people pay 65% + of total tax.
No matter how you look at it that is a
R A W deal.
The problem is that this 25% are generally silent. They are resigned to being ripped off by both major parties. All the bleating about taxation comes from the bottom 75%...
This is the reality lefties. Read it and stop your whinging. You comrades are the slave masters, you comrades control the electorate........for the time being anyway.
http://catallaxyfiles.com/files/2012/05/Lions-share-2009-10.jpg a basic principle of 'fairness' is equality. in taxation matters that means
1) everyone pays the same dollar amount of tax
2) everyone pays the same percentage amount of tax
thats called fairness.
but no, to be GENEROUS (ie
more than fair) we adopted progressive taxation rates where low earners pay very little either in dolar terms or percentage terms and higher earners pay more. The high earners get the same roads, the same schools and the same govt services as the poor and yet are asked to pay 8-100 times as much. it is an act of generosity. But the response from you lot is....
greedy buggers.
work harder, study harder. take more risks