MOTR wrote on Jan 12
th, 2013 at 12:45pm:
Of course there will be periods of apparent cooling. There is no doubt that there has been a significant rise in global temperatures since the turn of 20th Century, yet we can clearly identify periods of cooling. The Met office is predicting that over the next five years temperatures are likely to plateau at temperatures that were considered to be exceptionally high back in 1998. However, they are not at all certain. Their 90% confidence interval ranges from a 0.28 to 0.59 above average. This means the next 5 years may be cooler than the hottest decade on record, but more likely will be slightly hotter. There is as much chance of temperatures accelerating above the current trend as there is of them falling by 0.11.
Temperature trends driven by CO2 are not monotonic, goldie. We do expect there to be short term periods of cooling. The next five years may be one of these periods. congratulations on a complete absence of critical reasoning. I call your bluff and state that you never studid critical reasoning or that if you did, you failed. You simply repeat your mantra and then try and fit it into the facts that appear no matter how hard you try.
You should try an advanced course in statistics. the FIRST thing they teach you is how to read data impartially. They teach you that the raw data is the ONLY source of truth and that each step in processing it runs the risk of diminishing that truth. And if that processing isnt accompanied by an open mind and integrity you can end up with a hockey stick - a result debunked by almost every statistician yet supported by most climate scientists.
and that is how you get a totally accurate 30 year sliding average temperature graph demonstrating to the uninitiated or the blind that temperatures are rising when they are in fact not.
It is how when building a temperature reconstruction that you cherry pick the hottest temperatures rather than ALL the data. It is also why you use summer temperatures instead of annual temperatures.
and again, you have never yet explained the reason why so many very experienced respected prize-winning published scientist including climate scientists, say that ACC is garbage. Why is that?