gold_medal wrote on Jan 12
th, 2013 at 8:15am:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jan 11
th, 2013 at 6:26pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 11
th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
since you lack the capacity to read here it is again right from the MET.
Where does it say:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."could you point that bit out?
BTW: your link is not "right from the MET". It is a news report. Although it does say:
Global average temperatures from 2013 through 2017 will probably be about 0.43 degree Celsius (0.77 degree Fahrenheit) above the 1971 through 2000 mean, the Met Office said in its latest near-term climate forecast. That compares with the 0.54 degree rise predicted in December 2011 for 2012 through DOES NOT say:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."as you lied.
And if you did actually go to the MET, as link from your link - you would also see:
The forecast of continued global warming is largely driven by increasing levels of greenhouse gases.
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."as you lied.
gold_medal wrote on Jan 11
th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
global warming??? not according to the UK MET's figures...
The forecast of continued global warming is largely driven by increasing levels of greenhouse gases. is what the MET said. Not:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."You lied.
its a pretty simple outcome if you read the facts.
Yes. It is a pretty simple outcome if you read the facts. The fact is that that you claimed the MET said:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."When asked to show this "announcement" - you could not. You lied.
The MET did not say:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."What the MET did say was:
Global average temperature is expected to remain between 0.28 °C and 0.59 °C (90% confidence range) above the long-term (1971-2000) average during the period 2013-2017, with values most likely to be about 0.43 °C higher than average How exactly does this "critical reasoning" of yours lead you to read of a forecast of above average temperatures for each of the next 5 years, and come to the conclusion that "
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years"?!?!?
Do you know what the word "average" actually means? If the PM announced that we expect to receive above average numbers of boat people for each of the next 5 years - do you think that that would lead all of the Andrew Bolt fans to say -
" Oh well done PM! THere will be no increase in the number of boat people for the next 5 years! Is this how your "critical reasoning" works
Or by "critical reasoning" - do you just mean "tell lies"?
Was it "critical reasoning that lead you to say that glaciers are not receding? Or was that just a lie. You have never shown us any evidence to support that statement, have you.
Was it "critical reasoning that lead you to say that an undersea volcano was melting the arctic ice cap? Or was that just a lie. You have never shown us any evidence to support that statement, have you.
Was it "critical reasoning that lead you to say that the MWP was 4 degrees warmer globally than today? Or was that just a lie. You have never shown us any evidence to support that statement, have you.
Was it "critical reasoning that lead you to say that the Doran 2009 survey was sent to 10,000 scientists but only 79 responded - when in fact 3146 responded? Well, that was just an outright lie wasn't it.
And now this "critical reasoning" leads you to say that the MET announced "
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years" - when of course - they said no such thing, the exact opposite in fact. They predicted 5 years of continuing above average temperatures.
THis "critical reasoning" of yours really doesn't work very well, does it. Why don't you just concentrate on trying to tell the truth. That would be a nice change.