gold_medal wrote on Jan 12
th, 2013 at 4:24pm:
I posted a detailed view on their press release and you responded with nothing more substantial than 'me too'. How about actually addressing the detail of my argument. Do you realise that you never actually address a persons argument in detail? Instead all you say is. 'no, you are wrong and here is the same old graph for the 99th time'.
Ha ha ha ha!!!!
You were asked to explain why you claimed that the Met announced:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."You were asked to show the quote.
Instead of apologising for telling lies - you posted a news article and pretended it was from the Met.
But even your news article did not say, as you claimed that the Met said:
that they expect no more warming for the next 4-5 years and that the last 16 have shown no increase."And - besides this lie - you have now been caught multiple times telling other outright lies.
You claimed glaciers are not receding.
You claimed there is an underwater volcano melting the arctic ice cap
You claimed that the Doran 2009 survey was sent to 10,000 scientists but only 79 responded - when in fact 3146 responded.
you claimed that the MWP was 4 degrees warmer globally than today.
True - you did attempt once to explain that last one - you linked to a blog referring to a paper (with no reference to the paper) which seemed to indicate at one point in Antarctica, temperatures may have been 1 degree warmer than today at some point in the last 1000 years. But you have still produced no evidence to support your claim that the MWP was 4 degrees warmer globally than today.
Now - instead of you whining about people not addressing the detail of your arguments - perhaps you should ask yourself why anyone would bother addressing any details put forward by someone who continually tells lies, but is too pathetic to own up to it. And also ask yourself why anyone would bother addressing any details put forward by someone who is so clearly ignorant of the subject being discussed.
If you had any idea what you were talking about - you would not need to lie so often