Yadda wrote on Jan 1
st, 2013 at 12:53pm:
The way that i heard it reported;
An Imam in the mosque GAVE A SERMON ON THE SUBJECT, and told moslems that Christmas was taboo for moslems.
Isn't that correct ?
That an Imam in a Sydney/Melbourne mosque GAVE A SERMON ON THE SUBJECT ?
But then, LATER, the moslems 'retracted'.
But only, after what the Imam stated, had been widely reported within the non-moslem community.
And shouldn't this incident be very instructive to us ???
That incident shows us, that all we need to do, to put moslems 'in their place', is to assert our own values, and to reject ISLAMIC values, BECAUSE MOSLEMS ARE COWARDS, WHEN CONFRONTED WITH CONVICTION AND TRUTH.
Moslems will shout a lot, and wave placards, but basically, they are hoping that we will just 'fold', in response to their demands.i
What generally happens to people who surrender to moslem promises and assurances,
.....is that they are first made defenceless,
.....then those who could resist the moslems are slaughtered.
As a Jewish community of artisans [in Arabia] who surrendered to Mohammed and his companions found out.
After they had surrendered, Mohammed and his companions slaughter all of the men [taking them away in small groups, to their slaughter].
And then Mohammed and his companions 'divided' the women and children of that community among themselves, as war booty.