Yadda wrote on Jan 1
st, 2013 at 8:59pm:
[quote author=StrangeBedFellow lin
Of course, K would try present another counter argument, to try to defeat your argument,
if he could.
Quote:Really? An imam tells Muslims not to celebrate Christmas? What a bunch of killjoys.
I’ll tell you something else: Fred Nile tells his followers not to take part in the Mardi Gras. Can you believe it?
Peter Jensen tells his flock not to get involved in new age "Satanic" practices. He says the only way to God is through Jesus!
What is becoming of our glorious Western existence? Why shouldn’t we just shop and party until we die of fatigue?
Quote:Really? The other Muslims thought Lakemba Mosque were going too far?
You seem to know a lot about this, Big Dave. You must have some Inside Knowledge.
Nothing wrong with a bit of interfaith dialogue, eh?
With K, it seems to be an ego 'defence mechanism'.
Defeat K's argument, and all he has left is inane reply, ....which is intended to deflect [and discredit] the thrust of your own reasoned argument.
Not at all. I don’t believe any Lakemba imam gave a sermon telling people not to wish anyone a merry Christmas. Given their current stance, it seems completely contradictory.
I believe it’s possible, however, that if asked a question in private about this issue, an imam would tell a devout Muslim not to celebrate Christmas. For Muslims (and I agree with them), Christmas is a pagan festival, and not a religious one. Muslims see the Abrahamic religions as a step up from paganism. Well, like Christians, they believe paganism is Satanic.
But - what Big Dave and I say about imams and Lakemba Mosque is all speculation. We don’t know, and we can’t trust the news to report accurately on these matters. The beheading quote is one small example in a barrage of crap about Islam.
The Saudis ARE a despotic regime, there are no two ways about it. Their "religious" state is a clever way to manage the population and provide oil security. This is why they are tolerated. Their version of Islam is no more pure than anyone else’s, including Lakemba Mosque.
The photos I posted are accurate. They are clearly designed to showcase a Christmas celebration in Saudi Arabia and wipe the Saudis faces in it. I like the bit about "spreaded the word of the Saviour" - a nice touch in a totalitarian state. The Saudis do not tolerate such public celebrations, but if done discretely in guestworker accommodation, would probably turn the other way. There are plenty of Christian and Hindu guestworkers in Suadi Arabia, and they continue to practice their faiths the best way they can. They are certainly not required to convert to any other religion, as Athos has suggested should happen here.
Arresting 41 people is not something that can be done lightly, but we don't have any information, do we? The article can't even confirm whether they were detained or let go. Because of this, my guess is they were released. The article's clear purpose is to flog the Muslims spoiling Christmas routine. It's not interested in providing minor details - i.e, like nothing happened.