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Egyptian, Ahmed Meligy - traitor, or peace activis (Read 1443 times)
Gold Member

Posts: 21914
A cat with a view
Egyptian, Ahmed Meligy - traitor, or peace activis
Jan 2nd, 2013 at 6:30am

Egyptian, Ahmed Meligy - traitor, or peace activist ?


User:Mohamed A Meligy
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== The information in this document is very outdated Go to [[1]] for latest info ==

Mohamed A Meligy (Mohamed Ahmed Meligy) is little bit known Egyption student .NET developer, Blogger and Forums contributer. He was born in February 24, 1986 in the state of Giza, where he still lives in Faisal.

has been involved in software development (especially for web) since secondary shcool. He has been developing using PHP 4.x for less than 2 years, till he migrated to C# and Microsoft .NET, using which he's still developing.

Currently, Mohamed is in his 2nd year of the major with grade 2.85/4. He works on project basis for a company called GNS Egypt located in cairo. He's beeing all into C#,.NET (especially ASP.NET) in both versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 (Currently BETA).

Ahmed Meligy arrested, egypt

In Morsi's 'new' Egypt, to express a 'contrary' opinion is dangerous....


Ahmed Meligy was arrested in Egypt for Supporting Peace with Israel
On 31 December, 2012, groups were made and the message was published about the arrest of Ahmed Meligy. He is a supporter for peace with Israel and publishes opinion articles related to peace with Israel in the Jerusalem Post.

JPost blogger in Egypt arrested


This is the reality for anyone who is living within a Sharia jurisdiction [i.e. a jurisdiction where moslems have full lawful authority];

Typically if you choose to express an opinion which is deemed to be un-ISLAMIC, you become a 'non-person'.

And all of your rights as a person can be expunged.

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11


Isn't it great to be a Western 'leftie' and to be fully aligned with the ideals of the 'oppressed', moslem minorities, who are living here in 'liberal' Western host countries, that protect the right of moslem minorities to criticise their 'oppressors' ?
/sarc off

"Freedom of expression GO TO HELL!"
"Those who scrutinise or criticise ISLAM, GO TO HELL!"

We moslems must always have the right to 'defend' ISLAM, by suppressing the critic of ISLAM.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21914
A cat with a view
Re: Egyptian, Ahmed Meligy - traitor, or peace activis
Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2013 at 8:39am

liberal = =
1 respectful and accepting of behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.      (of a society, law, etc.) favourable to individual rights and freedoms.        Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
2 (in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform.

I can imagine that there are many people on the political left, in Australian society, who would consider themselves to be 'liberal', i.e. having a tolerant 'outlook' towards the views of others.

But i wonder how many of those people in Australia, who consider themselves to be 'liberal', would be prepared to speak out against the tide of intolerance which is evident in Egypt today, IF THEY LIVED IN EGYPT ?

Is it still valid to call yourself a liberal, when you are only prepared to 'call out' for tolerance and co-existence, when you know that there is no danger to yourself, in expressing such views ?

Ahmed Meligy is speaking out for tolerance and liberalism, within an environment of growing intolerance towards those who 'are the enemies' of ISLAM.

Ahmed Meligy is a person, an individual, who finds himself swimming against the tide of popular 'expression' in Egypt today.

IMO, persons like Ahmed Meligy are true liberals.


What makes a person 'an enemy' of ISLAM ?

Anyone who holds truly liberal political views, is regarded by the members of the moslem community as 'an enemy' of ISLAM.
Anyone who openly expresses to not believe, what moslems believe, is 'an enemy' of ISLAM.


If you doubt that ISLAM is a vicious and intolerant philosophy, then as a non-moslem migrate [permanently] to a Sharia jurisdiction country.

You will soon find out just how 'tolerant' moslems are, towards disbelievers, when moslems have the power to make the laws.

Do some Googling;

"Malaysia's Prime Minister: LGBTs, liberalism, and pluralism are enemies of Islam"
"Last Malaysian Hindu temple in central Kuala Lumpur condemned, given five days to vacate"
"Malaysian temple condemned, temple staff and devotees given 15 minutes to leave"
"Malaysian government views LGBT community as a 'spreading problem' to be stopped"
"Malaysian deputy prime minister: Islam not compatible with freedom, liberal thought"
"Yet another Malaysian non-Muslim house of worship demolished"
"Malaysian state holding seminar on "threat of Christianity" "
"A message from Malaysia's king: "Muslims need to emulate Prophet Muhammad" "

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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