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Faith Ratchet (Read 39090 times)
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #105 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:34pm
Yadda wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 12:26pm:
IMO, you are either a lying moslem, or, you are a moslem hypocrite, worthy of death.

hmmm tough choice there yadda.... can I phone a friend?

Actually, in your terms you left out option number 3 - a naive ignorant muslim. Wouldn't that be me? Not all of us can be devious or hypocrites - surely a good number of us are just stupid? It would be nice if we were all that smart, but I think you give far too much credit to the intellect of the average muslim.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #106 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm
Of course it couldn't possibly be that he is confused himself. I mean he did after all make a statement (marital rape is not a punishable offense) - and then went on to quote passages of the quran and hadith that directly contradicted that statement.

He explained all that at the time gandalf.

Firstly, it makes absolutely no sense when you make statements like "rape is permitted in islam" - because it is not an observation about what certain muslims think, it is a direct claim about islamic jurisprudence.

Who decides what Islamic jurisprudence is? Muslims. There is no absolute measure.

At least Yadda attempts to do that.

And look where it gets him.

But instead you link it back to a conversation you had with some random muslim who apparently (usually cryptically) claims that to be the case.

There is nothing cryptic about it. The problem of course was the difficulty in getting a straight answer on most of those issues. But the one straight answer he gave on that one was very clear.

What you are pointing out has nothing to do with what islamic law actually says, but what, at most two muslims have said is islamic law.

There were others.

The second problem with your approach is that you are not interested in muslims views at all, but only two muslims - since that is all that you ever quote. I am a muslim and have made it abundantly clear my disagreement over some of the claims made by these two.

I am still a bit confused about that. It is hardly clear. For example you insist that Falah's own evidence contradicts his views, when it does not. You also have a far simpler burden of evidence to meet. It would be quite simple to find an example of Muhammed punishing someone for spousal rape, or at least saying what the punishment is.

You even started a whole thread dedicated to what my views are, and I gave you detailed answers.

I plan on adding them. As far as I can tell you largely agree with Abu and Falah. BTW, I did eventually respond to that thread, regarding your attempt to portray Islamic law as being compatible with democracy.

At least some of those contradict the claims you make in some of the wiki chapters you have made - why "override" my opinions and claim the exact opposite views as unquestioned fact?

Because you make it so obvious that you do not actually know what Islamic is. You had to gently ease yourself into your position. You appear to have based your view on concluding that Falah is mistaken.

But this isn't about me, even a cursory investigation into mainstream muslim views clearly shows that none of these claims you make trashing islam are held.

You hold most of them.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #107 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 3:33pm
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
He explained all that at the time gandalf.

Does that matter if he's confused to start with? You seem to miss my point.

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
Who decides what Islamic jurisprudence is? Muslims. There is no absolute measure.

Quite right - and so isn't it ironic that you say this now, but you were quite absolute when you stated in no uncertain terms that "islam permits rape". Apparently in that instance, the word of fallah, or whoever you were "quoting", was absolute. Interesting isn't it?

Muslims interpret what islamic law is, and virtually every muslim rejects the idea that rape is allowed in islam, or that rape is a legitimate weapon of war, or most of the other outrageous claims you made in the wiki. And yet you quote exactly zero of them.

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
And look where it gets him.

the king of trolling? I've attempted to engage Yadda multiple times, and I get endless abuse and personal attacks. Surely your not accusing me of being unfair on Yadda now.

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
I am still a bit confused about that. It is hardly clear. For example you insist that Falah's own evidence contradicts his views, when it does not.

I suggest you read the entire post you keep quoting. Here it is:

Forced sex in marriage is not a punishable offence in Islam. But that does not mean it is encouraged.

In Australia, forced sex in marriage was not a punishable offence until very recently. Does this mean that our grandparents promoted forced sex in marriage simply because Australian law did not ounish it?

How Does Islam Tell Men To Treat Women?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Woman was created from a rib, and if you try to straighten a rib you will break it, so
deal with her gently
.” (Reported by Ahmad, 5/8; Ibn Hibbaan, 1308; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2/163).

“O you who believe! should not treat them with harshness...And live with them honourably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and God brings through it a great deal of good
[al-Nisaa’ v.19]

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: “The Apostle of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: ‘Be kind to women.’”
(Bukhaari, 3153; Muslim, 1468).

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “The most perfect of the believers in faith are the best in attitude, and
the best of you are those who are best to their womenfolk.”
(Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 1/217; Ahmad, 2/250; Al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 284).

Not harming one’s wife is one of the basic principles of Islam. Because harming others is forbidden in the case of strangers, it is even more so in the case of harming one’s wife.

It was narrated from Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit that the Apostle of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him) ruled, “There should be no harming nor reciprocating harm.”
(Ibn Maajah, 2340 - graded as "authentic" by Imam Ahmad, al-Haakim, Ibn al-Salaah and others)

On reflection, I actually agree with you - his evidence doesn't contradict his central view, which is that abuse of women is not condoned. Whether or not there is a specific punishment for spousal rape is really neither here nor there. Abuse of women is certainly strictly forbidden - what is the specific punishment? I couldn't say. But its common sense that there would be a punishment - otherwise why would it be so firmly denounced in the quran and hadith? Same goes with spousal rape: unless you are really sick, or extremely confused, you would never say that spousal rape wasn't a form of abuse. So as far as I'm concerned, put it all under the "don't abuse your women and treat them with dignity" category.

Long story short, Falah is not condoning any form of rape in islam. So what exactly is your point about it?

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
I plan on adding them. As far as I can tell you largely agree with Abu and Falah.

Oh goody. I look forward to being misquoted and taken out of context.

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 1:49pm:
You hold most of them.

ahh so its started already! Nice work. Please enlighten me further - what backward views are you attributing to me more specifically?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #108 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm
Does that matter if he's confused to start with? You seem to miss my point.

It is you who is confused.

Quite right - and so isn't it ironic that you say this now, but you were quite absolute when you stated in no uncertain terms that "islam permits rape". Apparently in that instance, the word of fallah, or whoever you were "quoting", was absolute. Interesting isn't it?

I feel no need to qualify everything I say about Islam.

Muslims interpret what islamic law is, and virtually every muslim rejects the idea that rape is allowed in islam

Of course they do. So do Abu and Falah. That does not mean that rape is not permitted in Islam. It just means Islam has a different definition of rape - one that conveniently has nothing to do with the consent of the woman involved. See the deception article for more info.

the king of trolling? I've attempted to engage Yadda multiple times, and I get endless abuse and personal attacks. Surely your not accusing me of being unfair on Yadda now.

What I was getting at, is that every example I have seen where people do their own research to critique Islam end up being far more extreme than mine. See jihadwatch and all those other sites for examples. They all use proper quotes to back themselves up, just like Yadda. It seems to me that short of spending the next decade studying Islamic law in order to satisfy your demands, the best way to figure it out is to ask Muslims.

On reflection, I actually agree with you - his evidence doesn't contradict his central view

That is why I am not rushing out to edit my wiki every time you disagree with me.

Whether or not there is a specific punishment for spousal rape is really neither here nor there. Abuse of women is certainly strictly forbidden - what is the specific punishment?

You miss the point, which we have been over a few times already. He is not saying the punishment is unspecified. He is saying it is not punishable.

But its common sense that there would be a punishment

What an odd thing to say. Are there any references to common sense in the Koran or Hadith?

otherwise why would it be so firmly denounced in the quran and hadith?

I am not familiar with any specific references to spousal rape - only to the duty of a wife to satisfy her husband sexual appetite.

Same goes with spousal rape: unless you are really sick, or extremely confuse

You left out Muslim.

Long story short, Falah is not condoning any form of rape in islam. So what exactly is your point about it?

Here you go:

Forced sex in marriage is not a punishable offence in Islam.

ahh so its started already! Nice work. Please enlighten me further - what backward views are you attributing to me more specifically?

Why don't you take this up in the relevant thread? You could start by reading over your first response. I basically got all the topics direct from the wiki on Islam and Australian values, and you agreed with most of them.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #109 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 8:47pm
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
It seems to me that short of spending the next decade studying Islamic law in order to satisfy your demands, the best way to figure it out is to ask Muslims.

By all means, ask muslims, but get *ALL* the different points of view, not just the ones that support the view you want to propagate.

Its pretty obvious that you are really only interested in tripping muslims up by keeping this "dirt file" and strategically pulling it out in key 'gotcha' moments.

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
Here you go:

Forced sex in marriage is not a punishable offence in Islam.

I repeat, falah is not condoning any form of rape in islam. Read the rest of his post for once. Was spousal rape "condoned" in Australia before it first became criminalised in 1981?

What Islam does say, is that men shouldn't abuse or take women by force. Nowhere does it qualify this and say "...except in the case of your wife".

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
You could start by reading over your first response. I basically got all the topics direct from the wiki on Islam and Australian values, and you agreed with most of them.

I have no idea what you are talking about. My first response said your wiki was a piece of sh*t because you have no idea how to reference properly. I'm afraid you're going to have to quote me "agreeing" with your ridiculous claims about islam.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #110 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:04pm
By all means, ask muslims, but get *ALL* the different points of view

Even from the Muslims who are obviously confused and only guessing? Must the wiki document every possible minority view? This could get a bit absurd. Imagine if people had to qualify every comment they make about other religions by listing every possible alternative view.

Abu made a very strong case for why his version is the mainstream version. You haven't even figured out what your version is.

Its pretty obvious that you are really only interested in tripping muslims up by keeping this "dirt file" and strategically pulling it out in key 'gotcha' moments.

Like I already said, it initially became necessary when Abu and Malik kept lying about what they had said earlier. That it makes a fool of you so easily is an unintended consequence. Perhaps you shouldn't shoot your mouth of all the time. The wiki is there for your benefit too. Feel free to use it. Contrary to what you keep saying, there is a lot of 'real' evidence there.

I repeat, falah is not condoning any form of rape in islam. Read the rest of his post for once. Was spousal rape "condoned" in Australia before it first became criminalised in 1981?

Interesting you should bring that up. You talk about common sense, but you are the one insisting that islam outlawed spousal rape a millenia before anyone else, without a shred of evidence to back it up. Abu and falah are obviously a bit embarrassed about that too. Don't you think they would be using it as an example of how great Islam is if there was any truth to your position?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I was talking about the thread you brought up - the one about your views on Islam.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #111 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:09pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 8:47pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
It seems to me that short of spending the next decade studying Islamic law in order to satisfy your demands, the best way to figure it out is to ask Muslims.

By all means, ask muslims, but get *ALL* the different points of view, not just the ones that support the view you want to propagate.

We need to get ALL the different points of view even though nobody is actually speaking for Islam.

How do we know that we have heard all the possible points of view on any given subject? When is an 'Islamic' way of seeing completely before us? Under this scheme, never.

If we dismiss Islam as represented by this or that arsehole, we are guilty of not taking into consideration ALL the possible permutations and all the imams who have uttered on the subject.

In the meantime, crazy bearded fvckers go on a rampage, in deeds and words, in the name of Islam. Not this or that interpretation of Islam, but of Islam.

The so-called mainstream Muslim is then free to oscillate between picking and choosing what he endorses, what he condemns and what he vacillates over, as well as being able to get all hot and bothered about the unfairness of stereotyping Muslims as lying, opportunistic crazies, who forever sniff the wind, depending on the reception of the outrage perpetrated in the name of Islam.

Strikes me as an opportunistic, dishonest and cunning smacking racket by the so called moderates.

The crazies are at least honest enough to be upfront. They say exactly what they mean.

The 'moderates', the opportunistic, arse-covering, shifty, cameleon-like 'moderates' are the worry. They are the ones who must not be trusted.

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« Last Edit: Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:50pm by Soren »  
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #112 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:12pm
Given that it took a few months to get a straight answer from Abu and Falah on the controversial issues, how long is it going to take to ask every Muslim on earth how they feel about stoning little girls to death?
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #113 - Jan 11th, 2013 at 10:28pm
Soren wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 8:47pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
It seems to me that short of spending the next decade studying Islamic law in order to satisfy your demands, the best way to figure it out is to ask Muslims.

By all means, ask muslims, but get *ALL* the different points of view, not just the ones that support the view you want to propagate.

We need to get ALL the different points of view even though nobody is actually speaking for Islam.

Point #1,

It goes without question, that all moslems are fallible men.

So, we can be certain that NO moslem, NO moslem, can speak in any informed and correct sense, for ISLAM!       Tongue

If that is correct, then who does speak for ISLAM ???

It is ISLAM's foundation texts [the Koran and Hadith] which, clearly and unequivocally, speak for ISLAM.

And i suggest, that you read and interpret what those texts say, and interpret what the intent of the words of the Koran and Hadith are, as you wish.

I always do.      Tongue

After i have read a Koran verse, i rarely have any doubt as to what it is 'speaking'.        Tongue

If some moslems then [are shocked and 'offended', and] disagree with how >> i << have interpreted, how the Koran and Hadith 'speak for ISLAM', then imo, it is up to those moslems [the ones who are shocked and 'offended' with my conclusion(s)] to provide me with good and convincing evidence of my 'error'.

No ?


Point #2,


Any person, can also be guided as to what ISLAM permits, by observing the behaviour of those persons who are making the claim to be, 'rightly guided moslems'.


To a moslem, all things are permissible, if they are permitted by Sharia law.

And all moslems KNOW what ISLAMIC law permits, and know what is forbidden.

SO, we must correctly assume, that the common-all behaviour of those persons who are making the claim to be, 'rightly guided moslems', is halal [permitted] by ISLAM, and that the behaviour of those persons, 'speak for ISLAM'.

After all, EVERY MOSLEM, EVERY MOSLEM, is an ambassador for ISLAM.

Am i not correct ?

Isn't that conclusion that i have come to, a reasonable and logical conclusion ?


What about those moderate moslems who live among us, and who frequently will claim to disassociate their beliefs, with the behaviour of the tiny minority of extremists ?

Well, i am not convinced by their protestations!

If they were truly sincere, then those 'moderate' moslems, those 'REAL' moslems, who live among us, would start an ISLAMIC movement to oppose the tiny minority of extremists.

But they have not, and the never will.

Just think it through;

[SUPPOSEDLY] The mainstream ISLAM, the majority of, pluralistic, moslems, will do absolutely NOTHING, against those infidels, who are - they claim, are misrepresenting ISLAM, and bringing the name of ISLAM into disrepute.

How likely is that, when at every juncture, supposed 'moderate' moslems will claim to be offended, when non-moslems castigate that 'tiny minority of extremists', after they have committed their latest act of vicious violence, IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ???i

Soren.... Quote:

How do we know that we have heard all the possible points of view on any given subject? When is an 'Islamic' way of seeing completely before us? Under this scheme, never.

If we dismiss Islam as represented by this or that arsehole, we are guilty of not taking into consideration ALL the possible permutations and all the imams who have uttered on the subject.

In the meantime, crazy bearded fvckers go on a rampage, in deeds and words, in the name of Islam. Not this or that interpretation of Islam, but of Islam.

The so-called mainstream Muslim is then free to oscillate between picking and choosing what he endorses, what he condemns and what he vacillates over, as well as being able to get all hot and bothered about the unfairness of stereotyping Muslims as lying, opportunistic crazies, who forever sniff the wind, depending on the reception of the outrage perpetrated in the name of Islam.

Strikes me as an opportunistic, dishonest and cunning smacking racket by the so called moderates.

The crazies are at least honest enough to be upfront. They say exactly what they mean.

The 'moderates', the opportunistic, arse-covering, shifty, cameleon-like 'moderates' are the worry. They are the ones who must not be trusted.

No argument, Soren.

I think that you have stated your case very eloquently.      Wink

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #114 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 8:10am
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:04pm:
Even from the Muslims who are obviously confused and only guessing? Must the wiki document every possible minority view? This could get a bit absurd. Imagine if people had to qualify every comment they make about other religions by listing every possible alternative view.

Its quite difficult to believe that you are actually being serious. If you could only look at how absurd your argument is.

Every minority view? Nah - how about one or two mainstream views? There's a radical thought. Like the mainstream view that rape is strictly forbidden under any circumstance?

It defies belief that you apparently still have trouble understanding what is wrong with your wiki articles. So here it is again: the problem is that you don't even acknowledge the diversity in opinion, but hold a single minority view as the ultimate authority. I'm not even asking that you change such statements as "rape is permitted in islam" to "rape is forbidden in islam". Why not explain that there are different views, and cite a few examples from each side?

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:04pm:
Abu made a very strong case for why his version is the mainstream version. You haven't even figured out what your version is.

Outrageous isn't it? Outrageous that I take a more considered approach and acknowledge there are different points of view, and that the "truth" is not always immediately apparent. No, apparently its far better to arrogantly claim I am the ultimate authority on any given issue, and that all the islamic experts and scholars who disagree with me are wrong. 

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:04pm:
You talk about common sense, but you are the one insisting that islam outlawed spousal rape a millenia before anyone else, without a shred of evidence to back it up. Abu and falah are obviously a bit embarrassed about that too.

FD seriously, what is wrong with you? I explained this exact point in my last post. I see you continue to refuse to read Falah's post in its entirety. In it, he cites specific verses that outlaw rape and abuse of women. From this I made the point, which you apparently missed, that nowhere do these verses make any sort of qualification and say "..except in the case of your wife". From that I conclude that any form of rape is strictly forbidden. Why the hell would this logical and consistent position be embarassing??

freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:04pm:
I was talking about the thread you brought up - the one about your views on Islam.

Uh yeah - and there I apparently declare that rape is permitted, and rape is a legitimate weapon of war, and that abusing women is a-ok. Interesting, because thats not what my actual words appear to say. Of course only FD and his superior interpretive skills can explain how a rejection of rape and abuse of women actually means the exact opposite - apparently.  Cheesy

Soren wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
If we dismiss Islam as represented by this or that arsehole, we are guilty of not taking into consideration ALL the possible permutations and all the imams who have uttered on the subject.

Couldn't agree more soren. Tell that to FD and Abu
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #115 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 9:14am
ts quite difficult to believe that you are actually being serious. If you could only look at how absurd your argument is.

Every minority view? Nah - how about one or two mainstream views?

It was your suggestion that I have to get all of them, not mine. I think you will find that with Abu and Falah I have a Sunni and a Shite, who have both done extensive study of their religion. They both claim to be mainstream - just like you.

There's a radical thought. Like the mainstream view that rape is strictly forbidden under any circumstance?

When Abu claimed to speak on behalf of mainstream Islam, he actually went to some effort to justify the claim. You on the other hand make these claims without justification, while at the same time insisting on absurd standards from everyone else.

So here it is again: the problem is that you don't even acknowledge the diversity in opinio

It does that, where Abu presented evidence that it actually exists.

Outrageous isn't it? Outrageous that I take a more considered approach and acknowledge there are different points of view, and that the "truth" is not always immediately apparent.

Well, let me know when you have made up your mind.

FD seriously, what is wrong with you? I explained this exact point in my last post. I see you continue to refuse to read Falah's post in its entirety. In it, he cites specific verses that outlaw rape and abuse of women. From this I made the point, which you apparently missed, that nowhere do these verses make any sort of qualification and say "..except in the case of your wife". From that I conclude that any form of rape is strictly forbidden. Why the hell would this logical and consistent position be embarassing??

Gandalf, if we start with common sense, there are a few basic flaws with your argument that Islam outlaws spousal rape (if indeed you are arguing that).

1) It does not make sense that Islam outlawed spousal rape a millenia before anyone else, but all those people (including Abu and Falah) who try to make Islam out to be far more progressive than it is failed to mention it.

2) You have not come up with a single example of someone punished under Shariah law for spousal rape.

3) You have not come up with a single utterance from Muhammed that spousal rape is illegal.

4) You have not come up with a single 'interpretation' from Islamic clerics that spousal rape is a punishable offence.

5) The illegality of spousal rape does not exactly sit well with the Islamic position that it is the wife's duty to satisfy her husband sexually and that it is a sin not to do this.

6) The punishment for rape depends on the marital status of the perpetrator. If the rapist is married, he gets stoned to death. If the rapist is unmarried, he gets 100 lashes. It just so happens that this is the same punishment for consensual sex outside of marriage. That is, the punishments would not actually change if you declared rape legal but maintained that sex outside of marriage is forbidden (except of course for the victim). You would have a hard time reconciling that with punishments for spousal rape.

7) You don't even seem to know where you got your view from.

To top it off, you counter this with 'I am right because I represent most Muslims, but I can't back it up in any way, but you have to study for 10 years before you are allowed to comment.'
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #116 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 10:50am
freediver, you have inspired me to contribute to the wiki. However I need an account for that apparently. When I tried to sign up it asks for a username - even though the username field is un-editable. Also the terms and conditions link goes to a "no permission" page.

Please advise.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #117 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 11:12am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 12th, 2013 at 8:10am:
Soren wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
If we dismiss Islam as represented by this or that arsehole, we are guilty of not taking into consideration ALL the possible permutations and all the imams who have uttered on the subject.

Couldn't agree more soren. Tell that to FD and Abu

Well, how do you conuct your Muslim life? Do you first consider every possible teaching adn every utterance by every imam on whetever you are about to do?

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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #118 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 11:29am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 12th, 2013 at 10:50am:
freediver, you have inspired me to contribute to the wiki. However I need an account for that apparently. When I tried to sign up it asks for a username - even though the username field is un-editable. Also the terms and conditions link goes to a "no permission" page.

Please advise.

You need to follow the link to request an account. I get the odd request from spammers, so they can get it to work. I also just checked it myself. Just fill in the biography section with garbage if you want.
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Re: Faith Ratchet
Reply #119 - Jan 12th, 2013 at 2:24pm
Soren wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 9:09pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 8:47pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 11th, 2013 at 7:33pm:
It seems to me that short of spending the next decade studying Islamic law in order to satisfy your demands, the best way to figure it out is to ask Muslims.

By all means, ask muslims, but get *ALL* the different points of view, not just the ones that support the view you want to propagate.

We need to get ALL the different points of view even though nobody is actually speaking for Islam.

How do we know that we have heard all the possible points of view on any given subject? When is an 'Islamic' way of seeing completely before us? Under this scheme, never.

If we dismiss Islam as represented by this or that arsehole, we are guilty of not taking into consideration ALL the possible permutations and all the imams who have uttered on the subject.

In the meantime, crazy bearded fvckers go on a rampage, in deeds and words, in the name of Islam. Not this or that interpretation of Islam, but of Islam.

The so-called mainstream Muslim is then free to oscillate between picking and choosing what he endorses, what he condemns and what he vacillates over, as well as being able to get all hot and bothered about the unfairness of stereotyping Muslims as lying, opportunistic crazies, who forever sniff the wind, depending on the reception of the outrage perpetrated in the name of Islam.

Strikes me as an opportunistic, dishonest and cunning smacking racket by the so called moderates.

The crazies are at least honest enough to be upfront. They say exactly what they mean.

The 'moderates', the opportunistic, arse-covering, shifty, cameleon-like 'moderates' are the worry. They are the ones who must not be trusted.

Ah, so you prefer the crazies. Why is that not suprizing?

Old boys share a fondness for each other the world over. Rich tapestry, innit.

It’s the pluralists we have to watch out for. Always. Perpetual. Never ever.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, eh?

Good show, old chap.
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