Karnal wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 11:09am:
I don’t understand Freediver’s anti-Muslim cause here. He says it started after reading Abu’s replies and evasions, which is understandable, but it seems to have taken over his life. It’s a phenomenon that blocks out all evidence to the contrary and falls for its own spin.
Yadda holds up a mirror to K.
Quote:Having seen the emotions, the lack of reasoning, simple common sense, and the all-out hysteria, I now know how cops could finger the wrong guy. The sense of self-righteousness is strong enough to block out a conscience, and the win-at-all-costs mindset blocks out any sense of proportion.
Yadda holds up a mirror to K.
Quote:Facts are distorted or disgarded and replaced with cliques. Contrary evidence is ignored because a judgement is already made - any contrary evidence must be a lie. Anyone who speaks against the ridiculous allegations is defending the criminal, and therefore a criminal themselves.
Yadda holds up a mirror to K.
When have you ever seriously criticised ISLAM and its criminal and vicious 'ideals' ?
Or is you argument, that the case against ISLAM [i.e. the case that ISLAM is in effect a criminal philosophy], is not proven ?
n.b. what K says.....
".....It’s a phenomenon that blocks out all evidence to the contrary and falls for its own spin."
Quote:If you apply this thinking to a society, you can see how huge parts of the population can be purged, falsely convicted and sent to the gulags. This sort of world has its origins in the type of "research" that forms this thread. It’s why checks and balances like fact sourcing, referencing and peer-review are so important. It’s why critical thinking and education are so fundamental to a healthy society.
I agree.
And critical thinking and education [which you claim are so fundamental to a healthy society], ARE PRECISELY WHAT ISLAM HAS OUTLAWED.
K, you are a well
speaking, .........
hypocrite!Critical thinking?, ....peer review ?
Who should judge ISLAM ?
1 - - Only moslems ?
2 - - Only an 'entitled' academia ???
3 - - Only those who agree with the 'candied' perceptions of an ignorant majority ???
4 - - Only those with a vested [corrupt] interest in coming to a pre-conceived [self-serving] determination ???
5 - - Only those who agree with
YOUR world view ?
Quote:It’s why calling the bullsh!t every time is so important. If Alan and co get away with it, their power grows. Mind you, they don’t see reason when you call them on their crap. They go straight into defensive mode and spew out more crap.
Yadda holds up a mirror to K.i
Quote:But it has to be called - that’s what makes our society better than the days of purges and witchunts. It’s what makes us fair.
There is no 'fairness', unless the oppressors and criminals are judged and condemned.
There is no 'fairness', unless the the victims of oppressors and criminals, SEE that their the oppressors are judged and condemned.
Where is the 'fairness' when the mainstream media and a justice system turn away from what is true, so as to >> UNFAIRLY << protect a favoured criminal minority,
because they claim to belong to a religion ?i+++
K, got any inanities which you now want to post ????
OBSERVATION;If you defeat K's argument in debate [with logic], K will
always revert to responding with absurdities.
K is capable of presenting a reasonable argument, and engaging in reasoned debate.
But what you must understand about K and his debating style, is that if you defeat K's argument in debate [by presenting a fact supported counter argument],
K will never cleanly concede [by acknowledgement, or, with his silence] that you have defeated his argument.
Of course, K would try present another counter argument, to try to defeat your argument, if he could.
But unable to defeat your argument with sound reason [or with supporting facts] K will then, ALWAYS, resort to responding with absurdities.
....With K, it seems to be an ego 'defence mechanism'.
Defeat K's argument, and all he has left is inane reply, ....which is intended to deflect [and discredit] the thrust of your own reasoned argument.