its hard to understand religious beliefs or indeed, anyones "vision of reality"
without understanding their "security operations"
what are security operations.
harry stack sullivan , the famous behavioural psychologist, defined them as a set of beliefs which help us make sense of the world and which prevent our minds descending into chaos.
now the truth is, if you have no beliefs at all, and your mind is chaotic, this is a frightening experience, almost a panic of the mind.
so from a very young age , most people will develop a fixed idea about many, most or all things.
they then become quite inflexible in their thinking.
because if they give up their vision or "security operation' , they will experience , for some period of time, chaos.
you could liken this to crossing a raging river by jumping between each stone. whilst on each stone there is no movement (stagnation) but their is security.
to move forward and experience CHANGE has to cause a brief period of stress, chaos, danger.
many people will not make this step.
this includes both christians who refuse to let in any new information and are therefore trapped in a limited world vision
and aetheists who refuse to let in any information and are so trapped ina limited world vision.
but make no mistake , EVERYONE has a world vision whether it be
the world is do eat dog or
make as much money as you can or
people should be trusted or
dont trust anyone or
try to experience a beautiful forrest
or a forrest is just a pile of timber to cut down.
and these visions come from our parents, peers and educators froma very early age.
so what of christianity.??
is it a "healthy world vision"
forget those who practice the 'heresy" that has become prosperity christianity or judgemntal chritianity.
what did christ say and would belief in his world vison be worthwhile in terms of creating"peace and happiness"
its probably quite a healthy vision in many respects.
john paul getty when asked to write his autobiography.
wrote the following
john paul getty became a billionaire.
that was it. he refused for anything more to be published
a good world vison??
jesus through his actions
loved the poor
helped the beaten up on the side of the road.
said to forgive others
blessed the peacemakers
went to the lepers when others wouldnt
associated with prostitutes
drove out the money lenders
suffered greatly and bore his cross without complaint
when dying , was still concerned for the thief next to him
said 'greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends"
not a bad world vision.
i quite like it and combine it with buddhism which i consider very similar but not as damaged by evil things done in its name.
is there a god, is there a lheaven,
probably not
doesnt mean that discounting the christian world vision is a sensible thing to do.
it may be a better source of happiness and peace than foxtel . certainly worth experiencing a bit of chaos to have a think about.