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Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote. (Read 13914 times)
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #180 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:29am
I am Gen Y and we have to pick up all the sh*te the has been left to us.

A society creeking at the seams through social experiment errors through the 1960s.
Mass migration which has completely changed the make-up of the country.
Law and order in decay due to the loosening of sentencing from our grandparents' days.
National debts of countries across the world built up from baby boomer credit driven frenzy.
Cost of getting onto the housing market higher than ever.

Yeah, you must be proud of yourselves, great hospital pass to us this one is.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #181 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:32am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:26am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:18am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:58am:
The baby boomers had a much easier life going to university than people do now.

There is no doubt on that one.
The costs are much higher nowadays.

My problem is that the generation are now turning up to housing auctions, using their capital to purchase SECOND homes that they aren't even going to live in and beating young couples trying to buy their FIRST home to get on the ladder.

I am tiring of seeing these selfish older generations doing this.

They are a greedy, selfish generation and I will not move from that one.

complete crap. as explained to Robert, the baby boomer generation did it without any govt assistance at all. no student payments, no HECS and no help of any kind. you paid up front or you didn't go. How exactly that is easier than today with higher numbers, more courses and govt assistance all the way plus HECS is beyond me.

and before you go on, keep in mind that it is actually NOT the boomer generation buying investment houses. that is the other generations with the extra capital plus Chinese investors.

you missed the target here pretty much.

Ah yes HECS.
A debt that the current generation need to repay.

As opposed to free education which didn't need to be paid back.

I can see how its much easier.

your difficulty comes from thinking that the entire baby boomer generation got free uni degrees. they didnt. a small number did and then it was removed.  Are you capable of understanding anything beyond your own experience or that of your parents?
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #182 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:35am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:27am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:22am:
Dnarever wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:09am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:58am:
The baby boomers had a much easier life going to university than people do now.

There is no doubt on that one.
The costs are much higher nowadays.

My problem is that the generation are now turning up to housing auctions, using their capital to purchase SECOND homes that they aren't even going to live in and beating young couples trying to buy their FIRST home to get on the ladder.

I am tiring of seeing these selfish older generations doing this.

They are a greedy, selfish generation and I will not move from that one.

That has been happening as long as I can remember but I have to wonder how you tell if an older couple are looking to live in the house or not?
Many younger people also buy a second or third home etc as an investment and this is where I see the majority of additional activity in the housing market, young high flyers positioning their future.

The first half of the generation probably had it much tougher than today even, the boomers who reached 18 after the early 1970's were the first to get free education, interestingly enough people like Tony Abbott etc.

its a good poitn that has been raised before. Ive heard the usual crazies denouning the 'older couple' spoiling at auctions. it never occured to them that they might be trading down or simple moving. Its not liek that is rare!

The older couple have capital behind them to outbid the younger generation family and push the prices up and make it harder to get on the ladder.

Why do you think so many stories are out there referring to the baby boomers as the "Greedy generation"?

It's not made up by me, it's plain and simple truth.

because it has never happened before or since that people bought a home with capital accrued from their previous home?? You sound like lastnail and its an ugly look.

Why do you think so many stories are out there referring to the baby boomers as the "Greedy generation"?

because it was followed up by the envious generation with a sense of entitlement.
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #183 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:37am
so where was my free degree?
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #184 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:42am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:37am:
so where was my free degree?

Wink Wink Wink
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #185 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:46am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:29am:
I am Gen Y and we have to pick up all the sh*te the has been left to us.

A society creeking at the seams through social experiment errors through the 1960s.
Mass migration which has completely changed the make-up of the country.
Law and order in decay due to the loosening of sentencing from our grandparents' days.
National debts of countries across the world built up from baby boomer credit driven frenzy.
Cost of getting onto the housing market higher than ever.

Yeah, you must be proud of yourselves, great hospital pass to us this one is.

You seem to forget that Gen X has to start the clean up for a few years before you lot get anywhere near the levers of policy and power.

But then the Gen Y snowflakes prolly think they are in charge now or at the very least should be.  Smiley

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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #186 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 9:52am
gold_medal wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:41am:
... wrote on Jan 8th, 2013 at 9:01pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 8th, 2013 at 7:56pm:
you lost the plot descibing our society as 'left-wing' that is more daft than most of the rubbish that gets posted here.

and I repeat that it is clear that your motivations for this odd, contradictory and rather embarrasisng rant is not about baby boomers but about a handful of them - probably your parents.

I've posted my explanations for the views i hold.  If you think otherwise, you're gonna need to do a bit more than just say "you're wrong" or "it's rubbish" and speculate about my motivations. 

For someone who complains about the standard of debate as much as you do, your debating ability sure is weak. 

It is hard to debate you because your position shifts liek desert sand. One post the boomers had it easy at uni and you had it hard which was bad and a few posts later the boomers had it HARD at uni and your lot had it easy which was also bad. and then you pain todays society as left-wing which is lunacy.

you simply dont make consistent sense. How can I debate you position when you keep moving it?

nnnah my position is consistent.  The education part seems to be the bit you're struggling with, so let me put it as simply as I can:

"while the cost of degrees has increased, their value has plummeted."

Too many fluffy degrees with no real knowledge gained or employment prospects, yet they still cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Blatant profiteering from the education sector, at the expense of young peoples futures.
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In the fullness of time...
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1822
Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #187 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:01am
... wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 9:52am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:41am:
... wrote on Jan 8th, 2013 at 9:01pm:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 8th, 2013 at 7:56pm:
you lost the plot descibing our society as 'left-wing' that is more daft than most of the rubbish that gets posted here.

and I repeat that it is clear that your motivations for this odd, contradictory and rather embarrasisng rant is not about baby boomers but about a handful of them - probably your parents.

I've posted my explanations for the views i hold.  If you think otherwise, you're gonna need to do a bit more than just say "you're wrong" or "it's rubbish" and speculate about my motivations. 

For someone who complains about the standard of debate as much as you do, your debating ability sure is weak. 

It is hard to debate you because your position shifts liek desert sand. One post the boomers had it easy at uni and you had it hard which was bad and a few posts later the boomers had it HARD at uni and your lot had it easy which was also bad. and then you pain todays society as left-wing which is lunacy.

you simply dont make consistent sense. How can I debate you position when you keep moving it?

nnnah my position is consistent.  The education part seems to be the bit you're struggling with, so let me put it as simply as I can:

"while the cost of degrees has increased, their value has plummeted."

Too many fluffy degrees with no real knowledge gained or employment prospects, yet they still cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Blatant profiteering from the education sector, at the expense of young peoples futures. 

Yes I agree about 'fluffy' degrees but no one forces anyone to do a fluffy degree.

Fluffy degrees normally have low entry scores.

Program title: Bachelor of Arts
Award abbreviation: BA
QTAC code: 011001
OP/Rank for 2012 entry: OP-18 / Rank-63
Duration: 3 years full-time or equivalent part-time
Commence: Semester 1 or Semester 2
Study mode: on campus
Recommended prior study: English
Fee type 2012: Commonwealth supported places, fee paying places, international fee-paying places
Total units: 288
USC program code: AR301
CRICOS code: 022806B. Only a full-time option is available to international students on a Student Visa.

The Bachelor of Arts is a flexible program that allows studies in a wide variety of specialisations in arts, humanities and social sciences.

In this program you gain a broad, versatile education, and learn skills in critical thinking and analysis that are essential to many careers.

You choose from a variety of discipline areas, enabling you to design a degree to suit your personal interests and career ambitions. The program also provides a basis for entry into an education degree and is a springboard to postgraduate study.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #188 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:01am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:27am:
gold_medal wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:22am:
Dnarever wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:09am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:58am:
The baby boomers had a much easier life going to university than people do now.

There is no doubt on that one.
The costs are much higher nowadays.

My problem is that the generation are now turning up to housing auctions, using their capital to purchase SECOND homes that they aren't even going to live in and beating young couples trying to buy their FIRST home to get on the ladder.

I am tiring of seeing these selfish older generations doing this.

They are a greedy, selfish generation and I will not move from that one.

That has been happening as long as I can remember but I have to wonder how you tell if an older couple are looking to live in the house or not?
Many younger people also buy a second or third home etc as an investment and this is where I see the majority of additional activity in the housing market, young high flyers positioning their future.

The first half of the generation probably had it much tougher than today even, the boomers who reached 18 after the early 1970's were the first to get free education, interestingly enough people like Tony Abbott etc.

its a good poitn that has been raised before. Ive heard the usual crazies denouning the 'older couple' spoiling at auctions. it never occured to them that they might be trading down or simple moving. Its not liek that is rare!

The older couple have capital behind them to outbid the younger generation family and push the prices up and make it harder to get on the ladder.

Why do you think so many stories are out there referring to the baby boomers as the "Greedy generation"?

It's not made up by me, it's plain and simple truth.

If this is true it has ALWAYS been true.

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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #189 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:04am
KJT1981 wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:01am:
Yes I agree about 'fluffy' degrees but no one forces anyone to do a fluffy degree.

Right, they don't force them to, but they do encourage them to.  Kids being kids wouldn't know any better until they're 10 grand in the hole.
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In the fullness of time...
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Carlsbad, CA
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #190 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:04am
At my university library I recall the graffiti above the toilet roll of "Arts Degrees, please take one".

Never a truer word said in jest.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #191 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:08am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:04am:
At my university library I recall the graffiti above the toilet roll of "Arts Degrees, please take one".

Never a truer word said in jest.

Yep, its a running joke.  i rememeber seeing the same thing written at my uni.
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In the fullness of time...
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1822
Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #192 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:14am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:04am:
At my university library I recall the graffiti above the toilet roll of "Arts Degrees, please take one".

Never a truer word said in jest.

Most if not all self made millionaires in OZ would not have a Uni degree.

Laws, Harvey, Jones, Lindsay Fox, Richard Pratt, Dick Smith, Hadley, Lowery, Packer the bloke that started Transfield sorry can't think of his name, just to name a few.
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Carlsbad, CA
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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #193 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:15am
At our house, of my friends we had -

A guy doing Mechanical Engineering - He would leave about 8am in the morning, have classes all day on campus and we wouldn't see him again until about 5pm. Fking hard degree them.

Me doing Accounting & Economics - I was on campus most days all day and other days for half the day.

One guy doing sports science - Known as a "monkey" for doing that degree. Fair enough though, he now has a practice in shoulder injuries and all that but he was out all day.

A guy who did a BA in German and Ancient History - This fker watched Ironside everyday at 1pm and would be on campus for about 8 hours per week.

Arts students have literally bugger all to do and cruise through uni life.
Seriously, ancient history - he did like Plato and all that nonsense.
What fking use is that????

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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Australian Politics

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Re: Yes That is right- The Unemployed Vote.
Reply #194 - Jan 9th, 2013 at 10:16am
The ABC has gone to hell...they have right wingers from corporate funded propaganda institutes openly allowed to air their pernicious extremist views on the public broadcasting service...Ban the right wing buillsh1t institutes... Smiley
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