yep ! and Pensioners vote as well.
the future is uncertain.
But as the pop. ages.. and the older folk
spend their money, rather than giving it to their voracious children, ... grey nomads seeing the world they could never see before' 'cos they worked their guts out for you...
the current youthful masses will have to rely on the equity of their chosen social norms.
I pity you ....
you'll have to grub in with rest of the unemployed... no safety-net.!!
Hey Folks..!! parents of wastrel immoral morons.... lost in some other reality than yours....
spend it... enjoy yourselves... after working for 40 odd yrs you deserve it. F the youth... they're so smart and savvy and NOW,, they don't need their PARENTS.... so give everyone else a break as well, you rich parents,, and make your children EARN it.
Don't give them V8 Utes so they can stink up the place burning rubber, and fuel, and don't give them Lexus' .. the division between rich and poor,,, and ...
right and wrong expands every day.