Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 8
th, 2013 at 1:33am:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 10:19pm:
I can't help smiling at my good mate Andrei Hicks, not only does he think he knows the attitude of the unemployed, but believes they should all be like him and constantly move about the world. Nice work if you can get it ..........
Much better to sit at home on your couch, watch episodes of Knotts Landing in the afternoon and blame everyone else for the fact they are unemployed eh?
I was talking with my dad last week and he dispairs at some of those in his family. One of his relations is about 25 years old and is an "out of work plasterer".
My dad "He hasn't come then?"
"That bloke who knocks on your door, walks into your living room and says 'I'm looking for a plasterer'"
See his point??
You go to the jobs, they don't come to you.
Same old story, lazy fkers who won't get out of their own way.
After my dad was unceremoniously sacked by that sell out fking boozehound of an Australian PM - he then spent the next decade working in no less than 6 countries because of work constraints.
If you put it in, you get it out.
If you don't put it in - well the maths is there for you.
Those out of work through no fault of their own, with skills to offer, who are pounding the sidewalk get my time and respect.
However a load of them (and its our fault as a society making it so easy) do not bother at all.
Andrei, if you will take a word of advice from someone 50 years older than you, with a lifetime of experience, you need to stop labelling a group of people on the basis of one or two personal experiences. This is a common habit here, ask someone why they think the unemployed are bludgers and all you'll get back is a story about a neighbour's brother's third cousin twice removed who sat on the couch all day watching reruns of Star Wars.
it is part of the nature of most humans to want to work. For several years I had a job dealing daily with people on welfare and only found one who was happy with his lot, and he was making good money fencing stolen goods!
You are fortunate to be able to afford to travel to find work, this is way beyond the means of most unemployed.
I would have thought burning shoe leather knocking on doors and asking for a job might have worked a few decades ago but is pretty unlikely to succeed today. Keeping an eye on the newspapers and the net, and using the services of the various agencies available would be far more profitable.
Andrei, you are a young man with limited life experience. You have strong views, nothing wrong with that, but they are totally immovable. If it is true that people grow more conservative as they age, just imagine what you could be like by the time you reach my age
Thunk about it?.....