john_g wrote on Jan 10
th, 2013 at 6:12pm:
cods wrote on Jan 10
th, 2013 at 6:06pm:
john_g wrote on Jan 10
th, 2013 at 6:01pm:
stryder wrote on Jan 10
th, 2013 at 11:46am:
[quote] I don't rule out the possibility of a conservative independent as long as I'm convinced of their ethics.
Conservative independents ???, Hmmmmmm referring to BOB KATTER, ???? or maybe you are impressed with Tony windsor ???, quite frankly self righteous independents of any poltical persuasion like Windsor, Oakshoft and Wilkie, HAVE DIRTIED THE NOTION OF INDEPEDENTS FOR SOME TIME NOW,
I am so dissatisfied with all of them, I am thinking for the first time ever to just get my name marked off and not put anything, or maybe not even go and just pay the fine.
we are doing it tough regarding respect for our Politicians...
and I blame gillard for that... she has lowered the standards even more than they have supporting THOMO and slipper..just small things.. but in my opinion they should have been stood down the moment an investigation was announced...but NO.. their votes were important and thats more important.. than honor and integrity..
I dont blame you for feeling like you do..I have felt the same a few times..Howard knew the GST was unpopular.. but he gave us the chance to throw it out..I say that shows class..
this lot have gone over our heads on more than one all future govt the same options..I dont like it either
Howard was a class above what we have now, on both sides, in my opinion.
I will always respect him for taking the GST to an early election. That took courage, which Gillard refused to show over the carbon tax.
I would take Abbott any day over Gillard, but I still don't really think that he will make a good PM. I would prefer Turnbull, but that won't happen.
I just think that both sides of politics is dreadful at the moment, and yes, while I want the Coalition to win the election, it's through default of wanting rid of Labor, not because I like them.
It's a choice of the lesser of two evils. At least that's how I feel.[/quote]
in all honesty ITS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT..
trouble is now with the way this govt has lowered the standards.. its more obvious..
thats what bothers me..
she blatantly lied before the election...if as she says it wasnt a lie.. it was definitely meant to mislead...
do we really care,what its called. a price or a tax?? with the compensation it was clear we would pay for it..
none of this was discussed before the election..
at leastr I dont recall hearing.
maybe you did.
it at the very least is misleading..I call it a lie.. but to each his own..
We havent given Abbott a chance we have given gillard a chance....didnt rudd say fair suck of the sauce bottle... or something like that.
from what I read and hear.. gillard has lost o lot of respect.. even in her own party almost half dont want why should we??..
its not long now and we will know from both sides what we can expect.. i hope it doesn t go down the dirt trail...thats a real put off..
but wait and see john..