oh Rabbitoh07
anyhow /!!
it is too late ...
we should have been paying attention 30 yrs ago, if we wanted to make a transition to a clean-energy, sustainable lifestyle, with minimal impacts.
Now ? we can
cut out power through coal, introduce clean-air fuel for transport, and we still won't make it better, for a least another 75 yrs... in the intervening time, our industrial , meat-eating , forest -destroying way of life will continue to generate pollution ....and degrade and despoil our planet.
don't expect science to come to the rescue at the penultimate crisis ...
too many greedy people too much corruption, too much ignorance. TOO MANY PEOPLE...!!!
guarantee the next 50 yrs at least are going to continue the drastic decline...
WE and our CHILDREN, will wear it.
I think its undeniable .... no matter what others might say... and ...
all the nay-sayers in the world will not change that...
even looking forward 10 yrs is a daunting prospect... and sorry if that scares you GP, you can deny it all you like.... want change a frikking thing.!!!!