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Australia's new weather demands a new politics (Read 1338 times)
John S
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Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Jan 14th, 2013 at 3:42pm
Five of Australia's six states are still suffering fires after the counrty's fiercest heatwave in more than 80 years.

I wonder what Tony Abbott will say about the record heatwave now ravaging his country.

The Australian opposition leader has repeatedly questioned the science and impacts of climate change. He has insisted that "the science is highly contentious, to say the least" and asked – demonstrating what looks like a wilful ignorance – "If man-made CO2 was quite the villain that many of these people say it is, why hasn't there just been a steady increase starting in 1750, and moving in a linear way up the graph?" He has argued against Australian participation in serious attempts to cut emissions.

Climate change denial is almost a national pastime in Australia. People such as Andrew Bolt and Ian Plimer have made a career out of it. The Australian – owned by Rupert Murdoch – takes such extreme anti-science positions that it sometimes makes the Sunday Telegraph look like the voice of reason.

Perhaps this is unsurprising. Australia is the world's largest exporter of coal – the most carbon intensive fossil fuel. It's also a profligate consumer. Australians now burn, on average, slightly more carbon per capita than the citizens of the United States, and more than twice as much as the people of the United Kingdom. Taking meaningful action on climate change would require a serious reassessment of the way life is lived there.

Events have not been kind to the likes of Abbott, Bolt and Plimer. The current heatwave – so severe that the Bureau of Meteorology has been forced to add a new colour to its temperature maps – is just the latest event in a decade of extraordinary weather: weather of the kind that scientists have long warned is a likely consequence of man-made global warming.

As James Hansen and colleagues showed in a paper published last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the occurrence of extremely hot events has risen by a factor of around 50 by comparison to the decades before 1980. Extreme summer heat, which afflicted between 0.1% and 0.2% of the world 40 years ago, now affects 10%. They warned that "an important change is the emergence of a category of summertime extremely hot outliers, more than three standard deviations (3σ) warmer than the climatology of the 1951–1980 base period". An extremely hot outlier is a good description of what is roasting Australia at the moment.

So far Abbott has commented, as far as I can tell, only on the fires: "Our thoughts are with the people and the communities across the country who are impacted by the bushfires," he says. Quite right too, but it's time his thoughts also extended to the question of why this is happening and how Australian politicians should respond. He says he's currently on standby with his local fire brigade, but as his opposition to effective action on climate change is likely to contribute to even more extreme events in the future, this looks like the most cynical kind of stunt politics.

To ask him and others to change their view of the problem could be to demand the impossible. It requires that they confront some of the most powerful interests in Australia: from Rupert Murdoch to Gina Rinehart. It requires that they confront some of the powerful narratives that have shaped Australians' view of themselves, just as we in the United Kingdom must challenge our own founding myths. In Australia's case, climate change clashes with a story of great cultural power: of a land of opportunity, in which progress is limited only by the rate at which natural resources can be extracted; in which this accelerating extraction leads to the inexorable improvement of the lives of its people. What is happening in Australia today looks like anything but improvement.

This, I think, is too much for Abbott to take on: as a result he has nothing to offer a nation for which this terrible weather is a warning of much worse to come. Australia's new weather demands a new politics; a politics capable of responding to an existential threat.

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'The worst Labor Government is always better then the best Liberal government for Australians workers'
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #1 - Jan 14th, 2013 at 6:19pm
Tell gillard to have an election so we can have new politics.

Vote 1 Tony Abbott and get these loser labor incompetents out of government and P these extremist cultist greens off.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #2 - Jan 14th, 2013 at 7:08pm
NEW WEATHER...........DUH!


interestingly  when one 


one pretty much covered with GUM TREES.

one tends to expect bushfires..

in fact without regular bushfires.. this country would have been very very different..


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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #3 - Jan 14th, 2013 at 7:11pm
can someone tell valley boy the reason fires seem worse is because we now have a bunch of ferals running things called Greenies.. and they refuse to let responsible councils backburn...

ask Tasmanians????
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #4 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #5 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 8:58am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am:
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???


dunno about you but I cant remember seeing fires before during summer can you???
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #6 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 9:09am
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 8:58am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am:
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???


dunno about you but I cant remember seeing fires before during summer can you???

There is only 1 season from now on. The all new co2 season.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #7 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 10:42am
I have to keep this one at the top..

NEW WEATHER.. it intrigues me...I have been thinking weathers  been around for a few million years..

but suddenly we human have invented weather....

NEW WEATHER amazing.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #8 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:28pm
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 8:58am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am:
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???


dunno about you but I cant remember seeing fires before during summer can you???

Is this like "new Julia"???
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #9 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:33pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 8:58am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am:
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???


dunno about you but I cant remember seeing fires before during summer can you???

Is this like "new Julia"???

lol then when it is found wanting, like it is no different than the old as we see, then it will be the new new, then the new new new. Yeh we've been there alright.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 17029
Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #10 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:39pm
The BOM are as much full of BS as the MET. You want a new record, just delete the old.

BOM Excuse for deleting some long held temperature records

The BOM state that to measure the temperature of the air accurately, it is important that the thermometer is shielded from direct sunlight but is still exposed to a good airflow. The standard screen used internationally to shelter instruments is a double-louvred wooden box, with the instruments 1.2 to 2.0 metres above ground level. This screen, known as ‘a Stevenson screen’, was designed by Thomas Stevenson (1818-1887), a British civil engineer and father of Robert Louis Stevenson. The use of a standard screen allows temperatures to be compared accurately with those measured in earlier years and at different places.

The Stevenson screen was first introduced to Australia in the 1880′s and was installed everywhere, with a few exceptions, by 1910. Prior to this date, thermometers were located in various types of shelter, and locations particularly by trained explorers and early landowners, post masters telegraph station attendants and the like who saw it as an important part of their duty. The Stevenson Screens were in fact designed to try to replicate the conditions in which they had been measuring temperature already in most cases. So unless it was clearly documented that the method prior to the installation of the Stevenson Screen was deficient, there would be no reason to disregard the earlier records from the BOM records.

However that is what BOM appears to have done, particularly when the high temperature records were long dated. It is strange that even the the Stevenson Screens were installed by 1910, it took the BOM until the early 2000′s to decide to axe some of Australia’s oldest temperature records.

But they cant be expunged from historical records which is where our team dug some up.

Also strangely, the BOM seems to have no problems with the many temperature stations which are sited in areas where there has been substantial urban and industrial growth which will impact more recent warming due to the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Four reasons the temperature records are meaningless:
1.the BOM ignores countless historical records of extreme heat
2.many older temperatures are adjusted lower, making the modern temperatures appear to be new “records”
3.many stations are new with a very short history
4.the BoM isn’t honest about the effect of the adjustments

Who knows what the real records are any more?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #11 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:32pm
"[Scene: A typically chaotic teenager’s bedroom. BRYAN is discussing career options with his son, JOHN.]

Bryan: So, John, what are you going to do when you leave school?

John:      Actually, Dad, I’m looking at organised crime.

Bryan:      Private or Public sector?

John:      Whaddya mean?

Bryan:      Private sector is like your garden variety Bikie gang member. Their job is to cause misery and harm to society through violence, extortion and drugs.

John:      And the Public sector?

Bryan:      Climate Science, mostly.

John:      What do climate scientists do?

Bryan:      Their job is to only cause misery and harm to society through extortion and fraud.

John:      Where’s the money come from?

Bryan:      Bikies beat up the people who owe them money, but Climate Scientists just get the government to do it for them.

John:      How?

Bryan:      With Renewable Energy Targets, Carbon Taxes, Electricity bills etc. That sort of thing.

John:      What’s the pay like?

Bryan:      Bikies get a lot of money, but most of it goes to the government when they get caught. Think of the “Proceeds of Crime” provisions as an industry super tax.

John:      What does a climate scientist get?

Bryan:      An indexed salary, paid fortnightly, with holidays, super and perks.

John:      Perks?

Bryan:      Junkets to exotic locations and the opportunity to lecture the Western world on the need for simpler, low intensity lifestyles.

John:      Where do they go?

Bryan:      Rio, Bali, Can-Cun…

John:      Copenhagen?

Bryan:      Not any more.

John:      And the Bikies?

Bryan:      They get to go to gaol. Also at taxpayer expense, but definitely not a junket. More an occupational hazard.

John:      What’s job security like?

Bryan:      In the Bikie world, if you stuff up, they beat you up and kill you.

John:      What happens to climate scientists?

Bryan:      No climate scientist has ever been sacked on grounds of incompetency.

John:      Sounds great – how do you get in?

Bryan:      It’s all about being seen and making an impression. Bikes only get their colours after a grueling probation period, during which they must perform no less than three acts of conspicuous thuggery.

John:      How do you make a climate scientist?

Bryan:      Usually, it’s a high fibre diet.

John:      Don’t get it.

Bryan: A small joke on my part. Again, it’s a case of making an impression. Wannabe climate scientists hang around academic institutions producing scary, convoluted and semi-plausible scientific papers. The more conspicuous ones get picked up by the peer review system and, after that, they’re in.

John:      Sounds great Dad. Thanks for your help.

Bryan:      So what are you going to do?

John:      I think I’ll be a Bikie. Climate science sounds dishonest.

Bryan:      I’m proud of you, Son."
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #12 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:34pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:28pm:
cods wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 8:58am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:15am:
New weather? Do we now have five seasons instead of four???


dunno about you but I cant remember seeing fires before during summer can you???

Is this like "new Julia"???

whats old is new again...

NEW Spring....NEW Summer.. NEW Autumn..NEW Winter..NEW Weather..NEW Labor...NEW Pain..
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #13 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:35pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 5:39pm:
The BOM are as much full of BS as the MET. You want a new record, just delete the old.

BOM Excuse for deleting some long held temperature records

The BOM state that to measure the temperature of the air accurately, it is important that the thermometer is shielded from direct sunlight but is still exposed to a good airflow. The standard screen used internationally to shelter instruments is a double-louvred wooden box, with the instruments 1.2 to 2.0 metres above ground level. This screen, known as ‘a Stevenson screen’, was designed by Thomas Stevenson (1818-1887), a British civil engineer and father of Robert Louis Stevenson. The use of a standard screen allows temperatures to be compared accurately with those measured in earlier years and at different places.

The Stevenson screen was first introduced to Australia in the 1880′s and was installed everywhere, with a few exceptions, by 1910. Prior to this date, thermometers were located in various types of shelter, and locations particularly by trained explorers and early landowners, post masters telegraph station attendants and the like who saw it as an important part of their duty. The Stevenson Screens were in fact designed to try to replicate the conditions in which they had been measuring temperature already in most cases. So unless it was clearly documented that the method prior to the installation of the Stevenson Screen was deficient, there would be no reason to disregard the earlier records from the BOM records.

However that is what BOM appears to have done, particularly when the high temperature records were long dated. It is strange that even the the Stevenson Screens were installed by 1910, it took the BOM until the early 2000′s to decide to axe some of Australia’s oldest temperature records.

But they cant be expunged from historical records which is where our team dug some up.

Also strangely, the BOM seems to have no problems with the many temperature stations which are sited in areas where there has been substantial urban and industrial growth which will impact more recent warming due to the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Four reasons the temperature records are meaningless:
1.the BOM ignores countless historical records of extreme heat
2.many older temperatures are adjusted lower, making the modern temperatures appear to be new “records”
3.many stations are new with a very short history
4.the BoM isn’t honest about the effect of the adjustments

Who knows what the real records are any more?

Yeah, that's got "Greens" written all over it...
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

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Re: Australia's new weather demands a new politics
Reply #14 - Jan 15th, 2013 at 7:05pm
gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 15th, 2013 at 6:32pm:
"[Scene: A typically chaotic teenager’s bedroom. BRYAN is discussing career options with his son, JOHN.]

Bryan: So, John, what are you going to do when you leave school?

John:      Actually, Dad, I’m looking at organised crime.

Bryan:      Private or Public sector?

John:      Whaddya mean?

Bryan:      Private sector is like your garden variety Bikie gang member. Their job is to cause misery and harm to society through violence, extortion and drugs.

John:      And the Public sector?

Bryan:      Climate Science, mostly.

John:      What do climate scientists do?

Bryan:      Their job is to only cause misery and harm to society through extortion and fraud.

John:      Where’s the money come from?

Bryan:      Bikies beat up the people who owe them money, but Climate Scientists just get the government to do it for them.

John:      How?

Bryan:      With Renewable Energy Targets, Carbon Taxes, Electricity bills etc. That sort of thing.

John:      What’s the pay like?

Bryan:      Bikies get a lot of money, but most of it goes to the government when they get caught. Think of the “Proceeds of Crime” provisions as an industry super tax.

John:      What does a climate scientist get?

Bryan:      An indexed salary, paid fortnightly, with holidays, super and perks.

John:      Perks?

Bryan:      Junkets to exotic locations and the opportunity to lecture the Western world on the need for simpler, low intensity lifestyles.

John:      Where do they go?

Bryan:      Rio, Bali, Can-Cun…

John:      Copenhagen?

Bryan:      Not any more.

John:      And the Bikies?

Bryan:      They get to go to gaol. Also at taxpayer expense, but definitely not a junket. More an occupational hazard.

John:      What’s job security like?

Bryan:      In the Bikie world, if you stuff up, they beat you up and kill you.

John:      What happens to climate scientists?

Bryan:      No climate scientist has ever been sacked on grounds of incompetency.

John:      Sounds great – how do you get in?

Bryan:      It’s all about being seen and making an impression. Bikes only get their colours after a grueling probation period, during which they must perform no less than three acts of conspicuous thuggery.

John:      How do you make a climate scientist?

Bryan:      Usually, it’s a high fibre diet.

John:      Don’t get it.

Bryan: A small joke on my part. Again, it’s a case of making an impression. Wannabe climate scientists hang around academic institutions producing scary, convoluted and semi-plausible scientific papers. The more conspicuous ones get picked up by the peer review system and, after that, they’re in.

John:      Sounds great Dad. Thanks for your help.

Bryan:      So what are you going to do?

John:      I think I’ll be a Bikie. Climate science sounds dishonest.

Bryan:      I’m proud of you, Son."



** CRACK IS SO BORING........................................................................  Cry Cry **
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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