Cultists want to talk oil money conspiracy, you know, the conspiracy you have when it is ok to have a conspiracy. Any others is just down right nut bag stuff.
Well here is the carbon trading money tree. Bigger and better, more honed in to the co2 gas, than any oil money could dream of
If the carbon trading business seems too good to be true, maybe there’s a good reason
Guest post by Kelvin Kemm
The COP-18 environmental conference held in Doha has come and gone. In the wake of high expectations for a successor treaty, the Kyoto Protocol was extended, but only after bitter debate – and several countries have withdrawn from the process or signaled their intent to do so.
Moreover, many observers believe the decision to extend the Protocol was primarily the result of countries not having the courage to stop or scuttle it outright, and not actually knowing what to do next. So the easy way out was to just extend Kyoto and also promise the developing world lots and lots of dollars for “climate mitigation,” which is a sort of apology from the first world for having allegedly messed up the planet in the first place with their fossil fuels and economic development.
Whether the billions of promised aid dollars will really materialize is another matter. But a lot of people have already gotten rich – including Al Gore, hundreds of climate scientists, and thousands of environmental activists and government bureaucrats – and others are trying to cash in.