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Single Parents (Read 9016 times)
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #60 - Feb 8th, 2013 at 1:20pm

I think there's been more than enough of this sort of thing elsewhere. Let's keep it off here, OK?

Consider this as (a) an unofficial warning and (b) a promise that warnings by PP may follow, and
sin-binning isn't an impossibility.

I WANT this board to work. Ans so, I'm sure, do SOME of you.

But I, and it, need your help and co-operation for it to do so.

'General' and 'PolSucks' are the 'abuse' channels.

This is not, nor will I let it become so.

So give it a fair go, eh fellas?

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Re: Single Parents
Reply #61 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 10:21am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Ah and FYI i did work in welfare for several years. You prolly shouldn't just assume things huh?


What field of welfare did you work within SOB?
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #62 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 11:22am
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 10:21am:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Ah and FYI i did work in welfare for several years. You prolly shouldn't just assume things huh?


What field of welfare did you work within SOB?

More than likely a recipient on work for the dole.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #63 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 11:34am
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 11:22am:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 10:21am:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Ah and FYI i did work in welfare for several years. You prolly shouldn't just assume things huh?


What field of welfare did you work within SOB?

More than likely a recipient on work for the dole.

Go away troll

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Re: Single Parents
Reply #64 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 1:20pm
Sappho asked you a legitimate question.
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #65 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #66 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 3:40pm
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

Miss Borg doesn't miss questions, she just ignores them.
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #67 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 4:25pm
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 3:40pm:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

Miss Borg doesn't miss questions, she just ignores them.

Eff off Troll. You're not welcome.

I would rather assume the best of SOB in this instance and assume that he shall inform me of his field of welfare so that I may engage him in debate... which is the purpose of this forum... not trolling.
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"Love is a cunning weaver of fantasies and fables."
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #68 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 7:03pm
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 3:40pm:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

Miss Borg doesn't miss questions, she just ignores them.

Eff off Troll. You're not welcome.

I would rather assume the best of SOB in this instance and assume that he shall inform me of his field of welfare so that I may engage him in debate... which is the purpose of this forum... not trolling.

1255 posts and you are trying to engage Miss Borg in a debate?

Take a look around and see the style of Miss Borg debating.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #69 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 4:55am
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 7:03pm:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 4:25pm:
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 3:40pm:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

Miss Borg doesn't miss questions, she just ignores them.

Eff off Troll. You're not welcome.

I would rather assume the best of SOB in this instance and assume that he shall inform me of his field of welfare so that I may engage him in debate... which is the purpose of this forum... not trolling.

1255 posts and you are trying to engage Miss Borg in a debate?

Take a look around and see the style of Miss Borg debating.

Go away troll. Havent seen you "debating" anywhere just abuse and trolling.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #70 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 5:02am
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

I dont really want to debate it but I ran a welfare centre in cairns in water street in 1986. I mainly did referrals but there were 6 indonesian refugees living upstairs in the building also. I negotiated 6 beds in the cairns hospital for ppl to come off methodone and i arranged food donations to ozanam house until they harassed me too much about religion and i had to give them a miss. I mainly dealt with drug addicts though my job wasnt really well defined and just about anyone would drop in and get referred to the proper place.

I had a lot of trouble with religious freaks in those days. Some "pastor" from some church called "the christian life fellowship" kept coming to my office and telling me that god told him to tell me to quit my job and go work for him. He was upset because i didnt refer ppl to him. He used to wait outside for me when i banned him from the premises.

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Re: Single Parents
Reply #71 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 9:26am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 10th, 2013 at 5:02am:
Sappho wrote on Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:52pm:
SOB, you must have missed my question, because it was trolled, but I am interested to know what field of Welfare you worked within nonetheless.

I dont really want to debate it but I ran a welfare centre in cairns in water street in 1986.

Debate is the wrong word... Discussion is more to the point.

I mainly did referrals but there were 6 indonesian refugees living upstairs in the building also. I negotiated 6 beds in the cairns hospital for ppl to come off methodone and i arranged food donations

Can't be sure if you are referring to a Community House or a Material Aid centre, both of which engage the kind of work you refer to... both of which are essential welfare services.

I had a lot of trouble with religious freaks in those days. Some "pastor" from some church called "the christian life fellowship" kept coming to my office and telling me that god told him to tell me to quit my job and go work for him. He was upset because i didnt refer ppl to him. He used to wait outside for me when i banned him from the premises.


Well, I haven't heard of anything so extreme as that... but equally, I have stories from work mates that are not dissimilar... including bias hiring practices and the limiting of services on religious moral grounds.

Unfortuantly, religion has the monopoly on charity in Australia.
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #72 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 11:50am

Sappho wrote: - "the limiting of services on religious moral grounds.

Unfortunately, religion has the monopoly on charity in Australia".

Your comment reminded me of an experience I had in around 1992 or 93. I'd been doing
some sub-contract work in the mining game, and had just completed a contract.

Due to some snag with transferring the money, my pay was delayed, as was that of my
crew. As there were some pressing bills that needed to be paid, I went to my local Smith
Family office to seek assistance with my power bill.

I was told, and I quote (as well as memory will allow) "We're not interested in helping you
single men, you are all drug-users or alcoholics. You blow your dole-cheques then expect
us to carry you".

I walked out in disgust, literally steaming.

The fact that I was neither an alkie nor a druggie seemed to escape her entirely, as did the fact
that I needed assistance because of a delayed wages payment, not a wasted dole-cheque (ie, I
wasn't unemployed).

Previously, I'd always been a supporter of the Smith Family, and used to donate to them

I haven't donated a red cent to them since.
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #73 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 12:49pm
That's actually very common Kat... even today. And the reason why, is that women, children and elders still come first where it is that material aid is limited and it's always limited.

At community engagement meetings, when all local Welfare groups come together (not Job Service Providers), they try and lobbey us for additional funding and less bureaucratic wrangling when tendering. And every time, we tell them that we are apolitical and cannot engage such converstations because we are apolitical, but support their right to lobbey government.

And I believe that this is where they fall in a heap... They have not mastered the art of lobbying government. At one of these annual meetings, I was not in a good frame of mind... so sick of their whining was I, when it happened that one of the representitives from the Brotherhood of St Lawence dared to say that lobbying government was useless. "Really!" says I. "Perhaps you should look to Capitalism and how it lobbies government, for Capitalists are very successful in their goals." It didn't go down well, but it did allow us to move on to the real business of these meetings which was and is to work more closely with Community Welfare Agencies for the benefit of our mutual customers.

In your case, the lack of assistance provided was just despicable, because whilst it was that they could not help you, they could have provided you with an internal referral to another agency who could, or provided you with a list of places you could go for free wholesome meals and given you a free ticket for public transport to get there. Heck... they could have suggested you try The Local Courts who still have a Poor Box for those in desperate need.

The Welfare Industry, whilst noble and good, are very poorly managed.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Single Parents
Reply #74 - Feb 11th, 2013 at 5:50am
Sappho wrote on Feb 10th, 2013 at 9:26am:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 10th, 2013 at 5:02am:
I mainly did referrals but there were 6 indonesian refugees living upstairs in the building also. I negotiated 6 beds in the cairns hospital for ppl to come off methodone and i arranged food donations

Can't be sure if you are referring to a Community House or a Material Aid centre, both of which engage the kind of work you refer to... both of which are essential welfare services.

Not sure what you are referring to now but ozanam house was a catholic run place that provided 1 meal a day to ppl that were hungry. Mostly aboriginals went there and i used to go help out after work until they sacked me for not praying to the statue in the doorway. in fact they made everyone pray to the statue before they got any food.

As for the building where i worked well it was called a "welfare centre" and i worked directly for a Cairns politician. the building though also had a flat upstairs and the refugees were in there when i got the job. Nobody knew how to get rid of them. Nobody would accept responsibility. In the end they went to jail because i called the police when i heard a baby crying (there were no women up there). Interestingly the baby turned out to be aboriginal (the indonesians were torturing it) and nobody ever claimed it - the hospital tried to dump it on me.

I can only hope that things are different these days. I expect the hospital allows ppl to get off methodone now. I never worked in welfare again after that job - i went back to uni to do something else. Welfare is too stressful.

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